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Saturday, September 10, 2016

America and the Election, Backsliding into Politics Again.

I swore off politics a while back. I swore that I had written my last about this completely bizarre fiasco of an election, but, sometimes, something so out of line is said, that I cannot hold it in.

This morning, while waiting to see if there was any real news, I caught a minute of Hillary's latest speech, and I was appalled. That is saying something because I am not easily shocked by the statements of politicians. She called those planning on voting for Trump 'a basket of deplorables. ' She then specified, calling them, xenophobic, Islamaphobic, and homophobic. Now with Trump currently polling at about 47%, she has just insulted almost half of America's voters, not something a Presidential candidate usually doesn't want to do.

This is akin to 2 elections ago, when Barak said that many voters were just clinging to their guns and their Bibles. Only Hillary has gone way, way past that. She has just painted half of America's voters as ignorant bigots. So much for her talk of wanting to unite the Country.

Do Americans have prejudices? Sure, everyone does. I am sure that the Clintons have a few themselves, since no one has ever accused either of them of being saintly. Even the few saintly who have walked the Earth have had some prejudices. Jesus referred to Samaritans as dogs and the Buddha did not want women in the monastic order. (Jesus ultimately praised the Samaritan woman for her faith and the Buddha relented and admitted women and praised them for their devotion to his teachings and for their discipline and compassion)

Most Americans I have known have worked on ridding themselves of these flaws, and while few have been totally successful, most have come a long way. I remember, growing up in the South, when there were still 'colored' and 'white' drinking fountains, where there were still 'no Jews allowed' signs and gay people were called many foul names and had to remain hidden deep in closets out of fear, not only of job loss but of physical abuse. A sane person, running for President would go out of their way to congratulate the Nation for making so much progress in just 60 years/

Instead, she drives another wedge, insulting many and indicating. almost explicitly that, if elected, she will be looking down upon half the population while catering to those who are wise enough, enlightened enough, to follow her. Mark my words, all the people she just so thoroughly insulted will be shoved aside, when she gains power. If she gains power.

That is becoming a bit more iffy. I cannot, try as I might, understand how she is getting away with her countless misdeeds. She should have been indicted, tried and locked away by now, but there she is, still in the race. I could say several insulting things about her supporters but I refuse to lower myself to her level, yet. There does come a time when you just have to get in the mud if you want to catch a pig, but not quite yet. There is still time to stay on the high road. I just find it difficult to accept that we are possibly going to elect someone who, over the years has skated on every charge brought against her and her sleazy husband, the less than honorable former President Willie Clinton.

Still, I should not be surprised. P.T. Barnum said that a man would never go broke by underestimating the intelligence of the American people and right now, I can certainly say that he is right, at least when it comes to the half about to elect her.

As far as The Donald goes, well, I still do not trust the man, not as far as I can throw him, and. with my bad back, that's not too far. However, recently, he has managed to keep his feet out of his mouth and sound calm, rational ,surprisingly compassionate, and even a little Presidential. Folks, he is the only game in town, and he still has a chance, so vote for him. If you simply cannot bring yourself to vote for him, I full understand but, in that case, please do this. Just don't vote for President and. for the rest of the ballot. vote Republican, at least a Republican Congress when coupled with Republican State officials might balance the evil lunacy she will put this Nation through.

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