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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

America and the Great Debate - Part Two

Well, the big event, the Great Debate is over and, not surprisingly, it accomplished nothing. Neither participant was engaging. Donald looked pompous and angry and Hillary looked pompous and angry. Neither one got into any sort of detail and nothing was learned. Lester Holt was a bit of a dud as moderator and the whole thing was a big yawn.

I really had intended to writ a whole lot about what was billed as a mega-event, but why bother? Those for Trump still will vote for him and Hillary still has her die-hard supporters. When can we get passed these debates about who can be more presidential and actually get to some substance.

We have some big problems in this Country and I am getting a bit annoyed that this whole silly election has degenerated into a personality contest between two very unappealing personalities.

Oh well, this nonsense will be over soon.

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