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Tuesday, September 13, 2016

America and the Rise of the Deplorables

By now, I am sure you have heard Ms. Clinton refer to Trump supporters as a 'basket of deplorables.' This is one of the most idiotic statements I have ever heard come out of the mouth of a politician and I have heard a whole lot of idiotic politicians. It was not only an amazingly stupid political move, it was deeply insulting and shows how she and her ilk (I like that word) really feel about average working Americans. She, and the elitist slime she shills for, think of the rest of us as backward, ignorant redneck slobs, illiterate, bigoted and dangerous. Well, I am not backward by any means. I come from a family that could be called redneck and I wear the tag proudly. I am not only not illiterate, I am far more widely read than her or her cronies ever will hope to be. I am not a bigot, although I have had to work hard to overcome the prejudices I learned in the culture I grew up in and, in that regard, I am like every other human that walks this Earth, including Hillary, Willie, Barak, and all the other pseudo-intellectual asses in their circle of supporters and sycophants.

As far as dangerous? Well, I am not a violent person simply because I do not fight battles I cannot win, so I am of no physical threat to anyone and anyone who thinks they can fight the government is going to have a hard awakening. There are folks who back the various militia groups, who threaten harsh reactions to the Federal Government's further encroachment on our rights. They will not win a direct confrontation and I urge everyone to use their heads. Those of us who use our heads are the most dangerous opposition that passel of fascists will ever face.

Do not break laws, at least not in any way that will get you caught. Work around the government as much as possible. Develop your communities and watch out for each other. Cooperate and do as much as you can within those local groups. Do not withdraw from the world, just be careful in your interactions with it. Learn as much as you can. That will become a chore.

Why? Simple. If those power grasping, money grubbing, idiots do win, they will, more and more, restrict education. The common folks  that they loathe will be taught in schools only enough to function at whatever little job they are assigned. All other knowledge will be restricted, including, maybe even especially, what you can find on the internet. Knowledge is power and they want all of that to themselves.

I am telling you that soon, books will be restricted. Libraries, if allowed to exist will be stocked with James Patterson novels and inane self help, New Age psychobabble. You will not be allowed access to real learning. The solution? If I were younger, and especially if I had kids coming up, I would buy and/or download as much decent literature and as many history and science texts as possible and, after packing them in water-proof containers, hide them away. In the future, they may be as rare as gold. Read Ray Bradbury's fantastic Fahrenheit 451 for a vision of a possible, perhaps likely, future.

The future, if Hillary is elected, will be nightmarish. In truth, it isn't her that I find frightening. Well, yes it is but, she is not nearly as scary as those backing her. But, as much as I do not trust or like Donald Trump, I implore everyone to vote for him, just to at least slow down the fascist, totalitarian train that's speeding our way. If he turns out to be a disaster that is better than the certainty that she would bring and, maybe in 4 years, a real candidate will come along. If she is elected, don't sweat the next election. It will be meaningless.

If I had the means, I would start printing T-shirts today. I would be proud to wear a shirt that reads "I Am Deplorable."

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