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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

America and The Powers That Be, Other Players

As you look about at information about those trying to rule the World, some bit players show up. These folks really play minor roles but, some would have you believe that they were stars of the show. Some are important. Some have their positions very distorted.

Organized crime, especially drug dealers are big time players, as are arms dealers. They show up everywhere, interacting with various organizations but, they are merely small time thugs being used by the truly powerful.

The various militaries get mentioned. Again, important, powerful, but the days of militaries taking over governments are over, except in some 3rd World Nations ( I hate that term, but it is handy). In any advanced country, if the military takes over, it will be at the behest of more powerful folks. The armies are just minions of the powerful elite.

That goes double for intelligence agencies. Here and there, I see the CIA painted as demons spawned in Hell. They are not. The CIA, like any other organization, is not monolithic. There are factions. Some have been almost leftist, some very much fascist, and most, in the middle just doing their jobs. There have been power struggles, back stabbing, and hostile takeovers. There certainly have been rogue elements who perpetrated atrocities, both in foreign lands and in our own, but they were just that, rogues, operating outside of the agencies main focus. True, some of these rogues were high ranking, powerful men, but they did not represent the whole agency. And guess what? In the long term scheme of things, they were simply lackeys, doing the bidding of their masters. By the way, all of these things can be said about our other agencies such as the FBI and the DEA and I bet they would also apply in any discussion of the KGB.

There is another group often singled out by those trying to figure out just who runs things, Jews. Let me say, loudly and clearly, there is no Worldwide Jewish Conspiracy to take over the World. None. This nonsense has gone on long enough. Are there wealthy, powerful Jews? Of course, just as there are wealthy and powerful Hindus and Mormons and Baptists. That means nothings. Are the Rothschild's powerful? Absolutely, but so are the Rockefellers and the Royal Family of England. And guess what, there are a whole lot of poor Jews. I know, because I have been friends with quite a few. Well, what of Zionism and Mossad? Mossad, like every other Intelligence Agency, like any other group of people, has good and bad and has done no more evil than any other group operating on the fringes of social structures. As far as Zionism is concerned, they wanted the creation of a Jewish state, Israel.  Since that's a long done deal, Zionism is kind of silly to bring up at this point, yet some continue that idiocy. Israel exists so, get over it.

Nope, the big players are the ones mentioned in the previous posts: the Vatican, fascists, mega Banks and mega Corporations, with a smattering of the old aristocracy and the remnants of Fabian Socialism (aka Progressives, just think Hillary and Barak). How these interact in America will be the next topic then I'll wrap things up with a few, surprisingly optimistic forecasts. Well, optimistic in an odd sort of way.

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