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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

America and the Powers That Be, What's Going to Happen

Let me be clear about something. We have all of these groups milling around, working in similar areas but, I do not consider this any kind of conspiracy. I am fairly sure that there are no meetings where heads of the participating groups sit around and write out scripts that they want to see followed. What happens then? Easy, they know each others interests and ways of operating. When they share common interests, they contact each other and work together. However, these groups have divergent interests and goals. Every one of them seeks to dominate the World and that is the saving grace. Power does not share and, eventually, they will turn on each other.

Another reason their schemes will not work is simple human nature. Throughout history, individuals have dreamed of running the show. They recruit followers and build huge, dominating structures, churches, corporations, military, land holdings, whatever they are most attracted to. Then they spread out, gaining more and more power. Sons, and sometimes daughters (not too often, these folks tend to be patriarchal), take over. Maybe they hold Daddy's dream but, at some point grandkids or great grandkids come along and decide,, 'why bother? Let's just enjoy the old man's money.' Decadence sets in and Kingdoms, Churches, Corporations etc. fall apart. Or maybe they continue, but they lose the drive to dominate. It may take generations and, from time to time, new power seekers try to revive the movement and, they always fail. Example: The Vatican. The Church has fallen and risen repeatedly, each time its is a bit weaker, but there is still some life in it.

So, the actions of those seeking World domination is periodic. Coming out of WW2, they made a big push and such atrocities as Operation Gladio, Project Phoenix, and MKUltra were perpetrated along with the out and out thefts of the various huge banks and the environmental havoc various industries have caused. Things seemed well planned but now, well, the whole thing seems chaotic. It seems that no one is in control. That make sense. The old guys who made the plans have died and evidently, they took some of the secrets of those plans to their graves. This is creating an overly bizarre situation but, that has to be. Eventually, we will sort the whole mess out and things will run well, for awhile. Then, someone will get big ideas again, and start the whole mess once more. That's just human nature. We need to enjoy the good times because they won't last but, we will have good spells.

One more thing. As the sons and grandsons of the PTB grow more decadent, they will move more and more in the real world. The founders of these powerful groups pushed elitism and kept Junior in exclusive schools and made them join exclusive clubs. As that fades and the kids see more and more of the common folk, guess what? They often find us likable and even a spoiled brat from a family of power hungry monsters has trouble hurting those he likes.

In short, yes the PTB are real but, there is no Grand Conspiracy, just a lot of madmen jockeying for power. They work together at times. They stab each other in the back at times. And, ultimately, they will fail, then some other idiots will try the same thing. Maybe, someday, the Human Race will grow out of this, but not yet. My advice? Keep an eye on them, be ready to duck when they get too overbearing, try to find ways around them. Fighting should always be the absolute last option pursued because they are powerful and there is no point in fighting battles you are not likely to win. Hang in, enjoy your life as much as you can and realize, ultimately, the PTB will not win.

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