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Monday, September 19, 2016

America and the Latest Bombing - Enough is Enough

Well, it's happened again. Another terror attack in the USA. Blessedly, no one has been killed but, come on, enough already.

First, let's get politics out of the way. Ms. Clinton came on, after the first explosion and cautioned that we had to wait for confirmation that it was a bomb. Now, I have not heard and seen everything, but I don't think that I am the only one who has never heard of a dumpster flying through the air, spewing shrapnel, without the aid of a bomb. In addition, her demeanor was deplorable. She looked bored to tears and annoyed that she was being disturbed. She is not fit to be President.

Second, the events that have just unfolded leading to the capture of the suspect. We are told that he left finger prints, DNA and a traceable cell phone. Since he was not a suicide bomber, he must have been exceptionally incompetent, or, something funny is going on. Also, he was seen sleeping in the doorway of a bar, began shooting, then got in a car and drove off, only to stop a short while later and start another shootout. If he had a car, why was he sleeping in a doorway? Did someone pick hum up? Something very funny is happening and we likely will never get a straight answer.

It seems that authorities had knowledge of this man and had watched him a bit. That is what we heard about the Orlando shooter and the San Bernardino shooter. Again, something is wrong.

Do we not have enough cops to watch people? Do we need money to hire more? If so, then why the hell don't we stop spending countless billions to make Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria safe? Why are we defending S. Korea? They are a prosperous nation, let them defend themselves. And, why are we keeping NATO forces? Do we really think Putin is going to invade Germany? Hell, he hasn't even invaded the Ukraine and seems rather timid about doing so. If we cannot make our own Nation at least relatively safe, why do we think we can safeguard Nations that don't even like us?

Or, is all of this just a game? A very deadly shadow play of smoke and mirrors designed to keep us all off balance and on edge, and, thus in line. Will all of this be a pretense for gun control and a tightening, if not outright censorship, severe censorship. of the internet? Or, are our current batch of leaders just a band of totally inept buffoons, a confederacy of nincompoops who cannot do a damn thing, unless you dangle a bundle of cash in front of them. Enough is enough.

My advice? Sit tight, hold what you have, roll with whatever punches get thrown at you and be ready for anything. For now, vaya con Dios, mi amigos.

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