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Thursday, November 19, 2015

Is Paris Burning? - Part 4

Why? Why does this madness continue? On and on, bombings, beheadings, hostages and secret cells dominate the news. The answer is simple, one word, Power. Power is to some, more addictive than heroin, more addictive than sex, more addictive than wealth. Why that should be is beyond the scope of this series; it is sufficient to understand that  there are many in this world who seek domination of everything. As I said in Part 1, it has been this way at least since the rise of the Sumerian city-state, probably much longer.

That last statement has led people to some peculiar notions. As you search books and the Internet, you find quite a few claiming that the current search for control is a direct continuation of the Egyptian Empire, that the current global elite is a continuation of the Egyptian Pharaohs and priests and their Mystery cults, proving that such folks know nothing about Egypt or the mysteries. Others claim the elite are the old Illuminati. No. Yes, there was an Illuminati and they fell apart long ago. Now, it is sure that our present would-be rulers share some Illuminati beliefs and use some of their tactics, but they are not a continuation of that group that has hidden underground.

That brings us to the much loathed Freemasons, the scourge of humanity, some would have you believe. The Freemasons are simply a quasi-mystical social club that does an incredible amount of great charitable work. My Grandfather was a Mason and I can promise you that the only thing he tried to dominate was a bottle of Bacardi. Now, there are some very wealthy, powerful men in the Masons and I am sure that they have discussed a few shady doings while hanging out together but, the same can be said of any such group, be it Government, Social, Political or Religious.

Finally, we are not in the midst of a great Satanic conspiracy. The powerful in  the world are not gathering in board rooms to chant Black Masses and sacrifice virgins. It is possible and maybe even likely, that some of these folks do have a belief in older pagan religions. This is not uncommon, even among professed Christians, but that doesn't mean that they are lopping off heads or constructing giant Wicker Men. There is a chance that a few might hope to appease the Old Ones with sacrifice but, if that is so, the myriad wars we fight certainly provide enough blood.

Now the powerful, Global Elite have been around for as long as we have been on this Earth and what they say they believe, what past cults and philosophies they claim allegiance to, whatever deities they bow to, they are just sick, twisted individuals who want total control over everything.

They are excellent at maneuvering, plotting, and dividing. They divide to conquer. In the Middle East, they have met their nightmare, a group dominated by a religion that insists on world domination. Make no mistake, do not fall for gentle rhetoric, Islam, in its sacred teachings, makes clear that it believe Allah has given them a command, to convert the entire world and destroy all opposition. Now, there are Moslems who say that is symbolic, that they are to conquer the world with clever argument and by living exemplary lives. I will take them at their word, although I have my doubts because, their Holy Book is filled with calls to battle and speaks freely of death to infidels.

The Global Elite has hoped to keep them from uniting. They put Israel in there to spy and keep the region upset. They armed them to the teeth, finally giving them nuclear weapons as a way of rubbing salt in Moslem wounds. They knew that the Islamic world would not unite because they hate each other as much as they hate the West. There are tribal conflicts in that region that far predate the Bible. They led coups against moderate leaders and replaced them with monsters and it worked. The region was dominated but, the monsters became to enamored with their own power and had to be replaced by 'reasonable' men who would play ball with the West. There is where things got sticky. We created groups like al-Qaida to help oust the monsters, but they thought the game was real and began a push to unite Islam and toss out the West.

The global Elite wants a New World Order, a One World Government, terms I am sure you have heard. That is real. The Bushes have tossed this term around, as has Carter, Clinton and Obama. British leaders have done the same. Top Presidential advisors such as Kissinger and Brzezinski, have pushed for this. This is the goal of ridiculously powerful groups like the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg's, and the Council on Foreign Relations. A man influential in all 3 of those groups is David Rockefeller. He has stated in no uncertain terms that their goal is the diminishing of national sovereignty, and the establishment of a one world government.

This is nothing new. We should remember that the Catholic Church long held such a vision and that the secular powers that be, the predecessors of our current Globalists, foiled that dream. It seems that in Islam, they have met a much more difficult foe.

The forces that the Powers created to mold the world to their liking have morphed into a hydra, a many-headed monster bent on destroying them, and the rest of us Westerners in the process. They think nothing of killing any Moslem who dares to disagree with them and they have no fear of death and they are masterful at recruiting young, poor, hopeless youth from around the world, especially in Europe and the USA. Their recent activity has undone one of the Globalists great works, the creation of the European Union, which cannot withstand the influx of countless dirt poor refuges especially when any number of them may be plotting to kill their hosts. Either Europe gets a grip on this immediately, or the Home of Western Civilization will fall.

In the fifth, and final part of this series, I will look at what can be done and what is likely to happen.

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