Is Paris burning is the question Hitler asked after the Nazi invasion of France and the question is now relevant again. For the first time since WW2, the borders of France were closed and the country is all but under military rule. This is perfectly understandable in the wake of the most recent nightmare of terror.
I was going to write about business in America, but that can wait. Americans need to come to grips with the world's reality. To do that we need to understand history.
The world has been a bloody mess since, well, the beginning of the human race. Wars of conquest have been the rule since a few men decided that they should take charge of the tribes they lived in. Why? Power, something far more addictive than heroin. Why should that be? I am sure Freudians would search personal histories for clues, while Jungians would cite over identification with archetypes. Hindus would say that some people get stuck in a lower chakra and Eric von Danikkan would blame Ancient Aliens. David Ickes and his ilk would say that power mad rulers carry alien blood and are really Reptilian Shape-shifters. Staunch Christians would blame the Prince of Darkness and tell tales of Satanic rites. Personally, I do believe dark spirits are influencing the power mad, but we, for now at least, stay on the Earth and in the four dimensions of space and time.
For this discussion we will stick to the Middle East. Long ago, city states formed and quickly began to fight over territory, eventually evolving into Empires. Sumerians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Hittites, all rose and fell. What is seldom mentioned is the continuing quarrelling among the smaller tribes. The large Empires cared little about internal fighting as long as they got their taxes. All of these smaller groups fought frequently, among them the Hebrews, Edomites, Moabites, Canaanites. All of the battles covered in the Bible were simply minor spats among neighboring tribes.
This idiotic fighting was not just restricted to the Levant. All through an area stretching from Mediterranean to Kashmir and north to Southern Russia. Greece, Persia and Rome conquered the whole mess and imposed a very uneasy peace. However, no empire lasts and after the slow fall of Rome, Islam took control. As to be expected, all sides in this never ending tribal conflict jockeyed for position, factions rose and fell, and eventually, as we entered the modern era, the Ottoman Empire took over the region. Yes, I know this is a very simple view of a massively complex history, but I do not intend to spend the rest of my life on this, and to be honest, this sketchy background is enough to set the stage for more modern developments.
Oil has been the king of commodities for well over a century and for some reason, millions of years ago, many dinosaurs very courteously decided to die in the Middle East and leave an ocean of oil under the sand. The British quite kindly offered to start removing it and in the ancient land of Persia, started drilling. A few years later, WW1 broke out and here is where things started getting weird.
Germany was kicking English rear end and England wanted the US to bail them out, however, President Wilson had twice promised to keep us out. The German House of Rothschild Bank contacted a British leader and said, hey, we know a close advisor of Wilson who will change his mind if you English will promise to create a Jewish state in Palestine. Thus was born the Balfour resolution.
After the war, which the US did enter and win, the world descended into the Great Depression and the resolution was put on hold. Germany found out what Rothschild had pulled and, understandably upset, started restricting Jewish financial activity. Jews responded by instigating a world wide boycott of German products, which was very effective and hurt the already crippled German economy. This fed the fire that was being set by one of histories true madmen, Adolf Hitler, who played the German people like a fine violin and WW2 and the Holocaust followed.
Oddly enough, during WW2, a group of Muslims, the Muslim Brotherhood, fell in love with der Fuhrer, and the first of the radical Islamic groups was born.
There you have a basic and overly simple view of what started our current wave of madness, In the next installment, we will look at the rise of extremism and the role the US played in all of this. We are certainly not blameless.
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