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Friday, November 27, 2015

America and Donald Trump

I have recently been noticing a strange trend on the news. I really need to get away from watching the news, it is very bad for the psychic health, but I think this is both interesting and important. It seems that many in the media are daring to bring out the big guns and call Donald Trump a fascist. Now, the Donald is not my favorite person, but fascist is a) going too far and b) an incorrect use of the word. The word 'racist' is also showing up and one and two of our pompous pundits are cautiously using the word 'Nazi.'

Fascism is a specific ideology that places the entire function of the nation under the control of the state and corporations. All of the important aspects of life are controlled by the  industrial/government complex. To implement this policy, strict, very strict control is necessary, often including extreme surveillance, harsh punishment for dissenters, and strict education/indoctrination into the state agenda. Trump, to my knowledge has advocated none of these. He is pushing for surveillance of Muslims and mosques. Given the expansion of terrorism, this is just good sense; it would not seem useful to spy on Scotch-Irish Presbyterians. In addition, does any one believe for one moment that this is not being done already? Trump is simply saying what everyone is thinking.

Economically, Trump is not suggesting the state control of the economy. In fact, I have never heard him be anything but supportive of properly run small business. Socially, I have never heard him moralize, unless you call advocating the punishment of the violent and the criminal, moralizing. He does not seem to me to be especially bigoted. Yes, he has attacked the illegal Latin immigrants, but has spoke admirably of Latins who are here legally and are productive members of society. Honestly, I have never heard him make disparaging comments about Black people who are law abiding and hard working, although, like any sane person, he dislikes those who are destructive and parasitic.

Trump is a loud-mouth and a bit of a bully, of that I am convinced, but that is a far cry from being a racist, fascist, Nazi. He is certainly not politically correct, but neither am I. There is one aspect of his candidacy that I do find distressing. His populism could easily morph into demagoguery which can lead to disaster. First, the demagogue may become so enamored with his power that he seeks to expand into a sort of dictator. Second, those around the demagogue may, behind the scenes, co-opt his power and put it to their own use, leaving him as the figurehead for an agenda he had no intention of developing. So the candidacy of the Donald does have risks, but look at the alternative.

Hillary Clinton is an extension of old President Willie Clinton who was a forerunner of our current dunce, Barak Obama. This sleazy trio make a great pretense of being liberal but, if you look at their deeds and policies, you see a clear attempt to turn this Nation into a State and Corporate controlled  economy with all of us marching in lock step as good little cogs in the machine. Left in their hands, the Country will rapidly turn into an Orwellian nightmare, or will become a hotbed of revolution that would make our Founding Fathers take notice and while revolution always sounds grand and romantic, it is not. Necessary on occasion, but definitely to be avoided if possible. Do not allow that woman in the White House. For a detailed and frightening look at the history of the Liberal/Progressive agenda, I urge you to read Jonah Goldberg's book "Liberal Fascism."

Will I vote for Trump? Maybe, but not enthusiastically, and if he is elected I believe we will have to keep a very sharp eye on his actions. I would rather see a saner, calmer voice step forward, but I really don't see much hope of that and I, without exaggeration, would vote for Homer Simpson before I voted for Hillary.  

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