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Friday, October 19, 2018


Just a quick thought or two on manners. I am not talking about the formal manners of Emily Post. I am talking common courtesy.
 Take the time to say 'please', thank you, and 'I appreciate that. Be patient in crowded stores. help folks who are having a tough go of it. By that I mean help the elderly and disabled when they are having troubles with doors and items high on shelves. Get out of the way when parents are struggling with kids. Be a courteous driver and don't cut people off in traffic and never bang your horn and scream obscenities. In fact, watch your mouth in all situations. We live in an ever crowded Nation. Most folks live in cities and they are all overcrowded and that breeds tension; do not make things worse
Manners are a coping mechanism. They are essential buffers that disperse tensions and they are simple and easy to follow. You and everyone you meet will have better lives if you just display  an ease during interactions and manners are the key to that. As your Mom might have once said to you, mind your manners.

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