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Friday, October 12, 2018

Kanye's Big Day Out

Just a quick post today to ask a question. Who really cares what Kanye West says. A huge deal is being made about his White House appearance and rambling speech. One may agree or disagree with what he said, once you decipher it, but, really, who cares? And, if you do, why?
When are we going to get past our juvenile obsession with celebrities and their opinions? They have no more knowledge, and usually much less than your average working American. The same goes for academics. They all live in an insular World and there day to day concerns are not the same as yours and mine.
We do not need these folks to tell us what to do and what to think. Same goes for career politicians
Learn all you can about problems and come up with your own solutions. Then get together with like minded people and get to work.
We have no time to even give thought to the half baked ideas of celebrities.
Have a wonderful and Blessed weekend

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