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Friday, October 26, 2018


Today, no bombs, no immigrants, no elections. Just dogs. I love dogs. They are a joy.
But, an ill mannered dog can be a nightmare. They may still be lovable, but they are a problem, unless you properly train the, and remember a few things.
They are easy to train because they want to please you. They are extremely social and when they come home with you, they want to be a part of your family and will gladly follow family rules. Bit, they have to be taught the rules. Use short commands and be patient while they learn the,. Use positive reinforcement. A pat on the head carries far more weight than a whack on  the bottom and a 'good dog' and a small treat does more than screaming at them.
If you cannot handle their training or are short on time, obedience school are a fine idea. You must be consistent. If you allow something sometimes and not others, you are confusing them.
Also, get the appropriate breed. mixed breeds are best because they are not products of inbreeding, a common practice among greedy breeders. If you have a small apartment, don't get a Great Dane. Unless you have a lot of time to exercise them, don't get a dog bred to work, like a border collie. If you have no time to spend with them, don't get one at all. Again, they are very social and don't like being alone. If you are always busy, get a cat. They have no issue with being left alone. If you have small kids, a tiny dog may be a bad idea, because your child may not understand that they have to be gentle with the tiny creature.
All of that said, dogs are one of Natures finest efforts. Intelligent, playful and loving, they are noble beings. Treat them well and train them well and you have a fine companion. They are so full of sheer jot while they are in the World. I have often thought that if we could find a way to mix our intelligence with their pure joy, it would be an incredible mix. You can do the next best thing. Get a dog to hang out with them and, of you pay attention, you will learn as much from them as they learn from you.
Normally, on a Friday, I leave you with 'have a fun and Blessed weekend.'Today I will leave you with a hardy "Woof."

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