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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Let the Good Times Roll

Just a quick note today. Right now, our World is filled with turmoil. As Yeates wrote, 'the center cannot hold. Mere anarchy is loosed upon the World.' As Jesus said, 'be not troubled. These things must come to pass.' What do you do in the meantime? Have as much fun  as you can, without harming others.
Celebrate. Eat, drink and be merry. Sing and dance and tell tales of great men and women. Play games and go hiking and talk to kids. Play fetch with dogs and watch cats stalking their prey. Raise gardens and smell the flowers. And, sometimes, just sit and watch the clouds roll by.
Our Creator does not begrudge us pleasures. The World is here for us to enjoy as long as we also take care of it.
Times of turmoil will likely grow worse before they grow better. A lot worse. You do not, in the days of dry wood. want to look back and wonder why you did not enjoy things now.
Remember the end of Yeates' poem. "Who knows what rough creature is slouching toward Bethlehem, his hour to be born."

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