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Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Childhood's End

Childhood's End is a great sci-fi novel by Arthur C. Clatke, based around some of the ideas of Tielhard de Chardien a Jesuit monk and paleontologist. Basically, the end of humanity will come when we evolve to the point where we no longer need physical form, but are able to exist as pure intelligent energy. Or something of that sort. i don't know if I but that completely, but I do believe we are reaching the end of our childhood
Look at it this way. If you have kids, do you want them to remain kids or to grow up? There are a few parents who really want their kids to remain kids, but that is not the norm. And, if you want your children to grow up, then why would you think our Creator would not want us to further evolve?
The problem is people, the people who rub things. It is to their advantage to have us remain children because then, they can play Daddy and that means that they can control us. I have said it before and stand by this statement. Power is the most addictive drug. Not power with a purpose, just sheer, raw power fro its own sake.
Also, those who are being controlled want to remain so. It is more comfortable and easier to be told what to do than it is to think. On top of that, we grow comfortable with the old stories, the old myths and are loathe to discard them. We find comfort in tales of gods and goddesses. angels and demons,and all manner of spirit beings. These beings likely exist, in some form, but they are not supernatural. They are beings functioning in a different manner than we do, but they are still subject to the Natural Laws. We simply do not understand those laws fully.
And that is the point. Instead of clinging to ancient tales of dragons and ogres and trolls and Sea Gods, let us grow up and explore this vast and wonderful Universe. We will find it far more amazing than children's stories. Truth is always stranger and more fascinating than fiction.
Our Creator is telling us that story time for the kiddies is over.

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