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Monday, January 16, 2017

America - Enough is Enough

Now, we have Trump and John Lewis sniping at each other. No matter what either might claim, it is a racial issue. I am disgusted. When are we going to get past this nonsense? Both Blacks and Whites, and every other color in between, should drop the issue. We are all human and we have much bigger issues to deal with.

Like Lewis, I am old enough to remember the Jim Crow Laws. They were nightmarish and amazingly stupid. Well, guess what? They were over and done with 50 years ago. When are we going to move on? Yes, Black folks were badly treated, but are we going to dwell on this crap forever. Get over it. Go out and learn some skills, educate yourselves and get a job. Leave the beer inn the fridge, put down the video games, and turn off a ballgame or two, and do something important.

That advice goes to all folks, Whote and Black. I have no idea how a Trump Presidency will work out, but I look at his Cabinet appointments and say, 'hmm, these are some serious people.' Well, such serious people, when given a job, get to work, and, generally have little use for goof offs. If you expect to drift aimlessly through the next few years, you may a wee bit of a problem, and if you are not qualified to do anything, you will have a rough go. Businesses who want to hire American workers are having positions unfilled because they cannot get good employees. The solution? Become a qualified, skilled worker and get busy. You cannot do that   sitting around drinking beer and watching Lebron play basketball and you cannot study while listening to the latest rap CD.  You need to educate yourself.

As far as John Lewis goes, being a Civil Rights hero does not have a lot of meaning now. He is an old man who is still peddling the same tired message he was pushing years ago. He should be the poster boy for term limits. Lewis, and many others in Congress, have been there too damn long and, like an old racehorse, they should be put out to pasture. All of these old folks are doing nothing but cling desperately to the little kingdoms of power they have created, and the fact that as they age, they keep clinging, indicates  a definite mental unbalance. And, these are the idiots pulling the strings of Government. Our puppet masters are a bunch of doddering old mean and women (let's not forget the Nancy Pelosis of the Congress) and should be thrown out. They will likely go kicking and screaming, but go they must.

Every one else, get off your rear ends and get busy.

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