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Sunday, January 22, 2017

America - The Big Day is Here at Last

America, for good or ill, today, Donald J. Trump becomes the new President of the United States. Like him or not, all Americans should celebrate. We, as we do every 4 years, are about to  witness a peaceful transfer of power. I am not much on patriotic spectacles, but this one is special.

Maybe I over spoke in calling this transfer peaceful. Nonviolent would be a better word. God knows, this election has been far from peaceful and the term between the election and today has been noisy and somewhat chaotic. But, at its essence, this is a peaceful transfer.

What will come? There are a stunning number of people in this Country who want to see Trump fail. I find this to be utterly insane. Guess what, folks. If this Administration fails, then you are, like the rest of us, going to have a rotten few years. If the economy tanks, if we are beset by foreign enemies, if our racial divisions worsen, it is hard to understand how you can believe that is a good thing. You, like all the of us, will suffer greatly.

There are many citizens, including Senators and Congressmen, who are vowing to stop President Trump's agenda at every turn. This is irrational and reprehensible. If you wish to oppose certain aspects of the plans and have rational debate with the intention of reaching satisfactory compromise, fine, great. That is why you are there, But, to pledge a total block of everything proposed by Trump and his team, is borderline treasonous because you are undermining the safety and prosperity of Americans to further your own ideological agenda. Shame on all of you.

I did not vote for Trump because I did not trust him and because he had a habit of saying things that were just too off the wall. Well, he has backed away a bit from his more ludicrous ideas and he can do that because he is not an ideologue, hell bent on pursuing a set philosophy. He, as a businessman has had to be a pragmatist and look for practical solutions to problems.

I am impressed with his appointees. They are an extremely competent group and have made it clear that they do not agree with Trump on every issue. This proves his refusal to be attached to any set ideology  and the possibility that practical, workable solutions can be found.  He seems willing to listen to opposing views and alter his own when presented with new ideas. That is how problems are solved.

To those of you who are just anti-Trump, opposing him at any cost, I say this. Please, just shut up and go away. To those who disagree and want to make constructive arguments, get to it, because that is how work gets done. To those who are frightened by the rhetoric, relax. We have not elected the reincarnation of the Nazi party and you are not witnessing the rise of fascism in America. Everything is going to be fine if we can all just reason together.

America, celebrate. The Constitution is still intact and we are about to once again show the rest of the World the power of the American people. We do this every time we inaugurate, by way our election processes, a new President. Do not worry, do not fear. Stay calm, stay peaceful, and celebrate.

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