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Saturday, January 14, 2017

America - The Donald Chronicles, Part 4

The inauguration is almost here. Woo Hoo. The long National nightmare of the 2016 campaign is over, except that it's not. The Democrats seemed to have missed the memo. Trump won.

Still, day after day, they go after him. Okay, he gets pissed off by that and I can understand that, but his solution should be to ignore them. Instead, using his increasingly annoying Twitter account, he responds. Just today, he issued a rant again attacking Hillary. Does she deserve it? Of course, but doesn't he have bigger fish to fry?

His response to all of their lame attempts to discredit and delegitimize his Presidency, should be simple dismissal. Just say that you have no time for these silly distractions and move on.

Speaking of distractions, we still have the whole Russia affair lingering. I have no idea what the truth of the matter is and neither does almost anyone else. A very few in Trump's family and business and another very few in Putin's inner circle may know, although really, it is possible that only the 2 main players, Trump and Putin, know the whole story.

Americans need to grow up. All countries that have enough wealth to have the means spy and manipulate. All of them make every effort they can to influence each others Governments. And, every one has skeletons in the closet and people trailing them who will threaten to open those closet doors. This is the way things have been as long as we have had governments. It's not a good idea. In fact, it is a wretched way to do things, but it is what it is and things are not likely to change soon.

Anyone who expects Trump and his Administration to solve all of America's problems should immediately be lobotomized. They are seriously deranged and such a view is dangerous. The American people should not trust them as far as we can toss Donald himself, and he is a pretty big guy. But, it is possible that they can and will change enough to get the Country moving again.

Then, it is up to us.

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