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Thursday, January 5, 2017

America - The Cold War is Back

Maybe I missed something. I was pretty sure that, in the 80s, after all of that Reagan-Gorbachev thing, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Clinton-Yeltsin friendship and all that, we declared the Cold War over. I would swear that I heard all that somewhere.

Guess not, because, as I write this, our new Congress, which I would think has better things to do, is wasting a whole lot of time, holding hearings about the Russian hacking of... well, I'm not sure what.

Our President and a few others, say that those pesky Russian dudes interfered with our elections to stop Hillary Clinton. If so, they wasted a lot of time and money. Clinton was such a bad candidate that a rabid, alcoholic were wolf could have beaten her.

Still, what did they hack? The Clinton emails? Seemingly not, since no one is claiming that. The DNC emails. Well, John Podesta used the word 'password' as his password, so I would think that you could not really call that hacking. Also, who hacked the DNC accounts does not matter as much as the reprehensible contents of those emails.

No one in their right mind is claiming that Russia hacked the actual voting machines. Now, that would be an inexcusable attack, but, again, that is not being claimed.  It is interesting to note that where recounts have been done, Trump's margin of victory increased.

So, basically, we are expected to believe that Russia and that dastardly Putin did something, somewhere that wasn't very nice to the Democratic Party and now our soon to depart leader, Obama, and his whiny collection of sniveling celebrities and quasi-socialist political flunkies are hysterical because they will no longer get their way. Traditional Americans, the folks who built this Country into the most extraordinary civilization the World has ever seen, have stood up and ordered these little brats back to their rooms so the adults can clean up the mess that has been made ( credit Greg Gutfeld of Fox News' the Five for that analogy).

Did Russia poke around in our business and access some poorly protected emails? I'm sure they did, just as I am sure that we do the same. If governments are not doing this to protect their people, they are grossly incompetent and should be ousted.

Everybody just chill our. Nothing of importance was changed by Russia nosing around. The bizarrely left wing Democrats lost. Trump won. And, thank God, if we ever stop all of this nonsensical whining and childish bickering, we can get on with returning this Nation to its once prosperous status.

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