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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

America and the New Cabinet

I have been watching, off and on, the Hearings on the proposed new Cabinet members, specifically Tillerson and Sessions. So far, I am impressed.

Both gentlemen have been calm, thoughtful and reasonable. They have refused to be baited, either by questioners or the various protesters. Their answers have been general and that is how it should be. You cannot answer in details when no details are available and, since no one has a working crystal ball, it would be silly to answer speculative questions.

That word silly is the key. These men, and from what I have seen, heard and read, all the men and women Trump has appointed, are not silly people. These are adults, called on to do an adult job. There jobs will be difficult and all of these people have a history of being effective, hard working problem solvers.

We are leaving an era when we have had people playing at governing, pandering to the whims of popular sentiment and always trying to be everybody's best buddy. Gone is this foul era when we bowed to the wishes of every minority in this Country and tried to conduct a foreign policy off appeasement and apology.

Whatever has been the past, this is now. We must look at the condition of the World, and this Country, not in terms of what mistakes were made, not in terms of what legacy will be left behind, but in very simple terms. What is the problem, as it stands now, and how do we fix it? Then, fix it.

The men and women that Trump has proposed for these offices, coming from the Congress, from State governments, from science, from the Military, and from very successful businesses are problem solvers. That is what they do, and it will well serve the nation to get out of their way and let them get to work

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