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Monday, January 23, 2017

America - Watch Your Backs

Today is the first real work day of the new Administration. I like the direction things are heading and this may work. But, it is going to be a very rocky road, at least for a while.

You are witnessing a massive conflict between two groups who are fighting over what will be the future of the Country. No, I am not talking about Democrats and Republicans.

For a long while, we have been maneuvered and manipulated by those wanting a powerful, central Federal Government, one that would ultimately blend in seamlessly with a powerful, centrist World Government. This is an old idea. In this Country, it really started to take hold when Reagan was shot and Bush 1 became the real force in Washington. It continued through the years of Clinton, Bush 2 and Obama. Forget Parties. They quibbled over fine doctrinal points, but in essence, they were the same.

The Plan, was that either Jeb Bush would become Bush 3 or that Hillary would become Clinton 2. Well, that did not work. Trump is backed by another group. America first is also an old idea, quite popular in the pre-WW2 days. Folks, after the nightmarish First World War, wanted no part of a Second. In fact, they elected Roosevelt because he promised to keep us out of any European conflict, before he dumped us into a European conflict. Woodrow Wilson did the same thing with WW1.

Folks, a lot of them, enough to upset the Election, have decided that we do want to put America first. Mind you, we are not wishing others harm, we h=just want to deal with our own business, ourselves. Seems reasonable to me.

Even more, we feel that States should deal with local issues, not the Federal Government. Think for a moment. Florida does not have the same issues that Montana does and New Mexico's problems are not the same as Maine's. So why does Washington feel it should dictate to the States.

In addition, different folks have different values and that is, mostly, protected by the Constitution. If a group of parents in Alabama have different thoughts on subjects such as education, abortion, gay marriages, and marijuana legalizations than folks in Massachusetts, the why should they not have varying laws. The Constitution does not cover these areas and says that anything that it does not cover, should be left up to the States. The Federal government only has the right to intervene when the States do business with each other and then it is to set up reasonable laws that respect all sides and that are to be enforced only during the interstate processes.

President Trump has surrounded himself with people who are America first people and people who want to take a lot of the money, and money is power, out of Washington and give it back to States and to individuals. Those who have just been ousted and those who are demonstrating in the streets are aghast.

The demonstrators seem to think that. left on their own, individuals will begin some combination of the Salem witch trials and the Spanish Inquisition. The Old Guard Power Brokers are frantic because their plans have come unglued. The first group are silly people who will soon calm down.

The second group will not go quietly. Look for them to pull every dirty trick and produce reams of fake news reports in their efforts to depose President Trump. Do not be taken in by them. Not now, not when we are on the brink of getting our Nation back.

However, they had best think twice, or maybe more, before they act, because, waiting in the wings is Mike Pence and he make Donald Trump look like a raving liberal. Stay tuned. This ought to be fun.

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