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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

America - The Donald Chronicles, Part 5

   This will be my last post labeled 'The Donald Chronicles.' Friday, he takes office and, so long as he deserves it, I will refer to him as President Trump.

I am sure that no sane people will disagree when I say that this has been the strangest campaign imaginable. Trump did prove one thing beyond any doubt. You do not need a massive staff and countless millions of dollars to win. Hillary had both and lost. Trump's victory shows that all you need is a message that will resonate with the voters, stated in ways they will understand, delivered by someone with a charismatic personality.

The Inauguration will be a grandly impressive affair. If you live in any large city, I advise you to be a little careful. There will almost surely be many demonstrations and I will be surprised if at least some of them do not become every ugly. Hopefully not, but be smart and stay out of any situation that seems to be turning bad.

Trump has his team ready to move, to get busy. They must get right to it and start showing progress, a lot of it, very quickly. If they do, they will gain a lot of popularity and power and all should go fairly well. If not, if their opponents can derail their agenda, they will lose power and the Nation will be in for a rough ride.

Do not be surprised to see an attempt to create some sort of scandal, with an ensuing impeachment movement. This will almost surely fail, and I believe that it will not be intended to succeed. Trust me, the opposition would much rather keep Trump around than deal with Mike Pence, an evangelical, Catholic, ultra-conservative.

Why bother then? Simple. Keep the Nation divided and deepen the divisions and they will feel that they will have a better shot at regaining power next time around. Watch carefully. There will be attempts, some of which will succeed, to further divide America along ethnic and religious lines. However, if this is the strategy, they are walking a very thin line. If there is too much upheaval, keep in mind, Trump has a staff consisting of a very hard nosed, conservative Attorney General and a bunch of even tougher military officers. I do not believe that a lot of trouble will be tolerated.

Things could get quite ugly for the next few months. in fact I am very sure they will. There will be some tough responses by some tough minded people. However, I am pretty sure that once the reality of the situation sets in and laws are enforced and idiotic programs like the sanctuary cities are defunded and shut down, people will get with the program and you will see America start on the road back to greatness.

Things are going to change and change fast, not just here, but around the World. A no-nonsense America is about to emerge.

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