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Monday, January 2, 2017

America - The Donald Chronicles, Part 3

The Russians and Putin have become the almost dominant topic these days. Obama has issued sanctions because, he claims, they interfered in our elections. Trump announced that he has intelligence, that he will soon announce, that they did not. Okay, let's start with Trump.

How can he have such intelligence when he does not attend intelligence briefings? If he does, he needs to be careful because, until he takes office, he cannot go spouting what he learns in those briefings. If he does not have such information, if he is, once again. let me kind here, stretching the truth, he will get caught, and he has enough problems with credibility already.

Also, Trump needs to get away from the whole topic of Russia as soon as he can. It is widely known that after he bankrupted his third company, he could not get a loan in the USA, so he went to Russia to get one. Nothing illegal about that in the least, but, given that he is soon to be President, he might want to distance himself from that fact just a wee bit.

Obama made his announcement without spelling out how we know what the Russians did, If he is talking about it, it cannot be top security, so why not just tell us how he knows and exactly what he knows.

Someone, some where, knows the truth about this and I would hope that the American people have had about enough of this nonsense. Someone tell us what the hell happened.

I still have hope for Trump's Presidency because I like the people he is surrounding himself with, I think. They need to do one essential thing and I do not know if they can do this or if it will be effective. They need to remind Trump that the President does not run the Nation. Several of them have thought that they did, and it did not end well. Just remember Richard Nixon.

The President is, at best, a spokesman. He is not the  Supreme Leader. The Donald needs to get a grip on this or he may set a record for the shortest Presidency ever. There are many Democrats and not a few Republicans who will attempt to impeach him if he sneezes at the wrong time.

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