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Friday, January 27, 2017

America - Throw a Party

I have a suggestion. In light of all of the protests, the wailing and gnashing of teeth, the street violence, the endless parade of whining celebrities, Americans should respond by throwing a party. Every time a protest is scheduled, folks should arrange to set aside a section of a park or some other public place, with proper permits, of course, and celebrate.

Stay away from counter protests and avoid the possibility of violent confrontation. Don't march and carry signs insulting the opposition. Ignore them and throw a party. Tell the media; local media will quite likely respond. Let every one know that this celebration is your reaction to the nasty, hateful marching and yelling.

It doesn't have to be fancy. Hot dogs and burgers, or even just some cheap snacks. Sodas, beer if allowed, maybe some fruit punch. Schedule games, with maybe some little, silly prizes. Have some music, a variety, so ever one will have something to enjoy. Just a party.

This is the way to deal with the hateful. Just ignore them and have a celebration. Invite everyone. Bring the family. Let the protesters know that you are happy and that you are going to be part of the solution to our Nation's problems and that their ranting and raving does not bother you in the least.

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