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Monday, November 28, 2016

America - Strange Days Have Found Us

In the late 60s, the Doors did a song, Strange Days, that is fitting today. It portrayed a society that seemed to have started unravelling. Well, right now, the threads are flying apart at a frantic rate.

Donald Trump was elected on a series of promises, solemn oaths, made to the American people, specifically white, blue collar Americans. Right now, starting the day after the election, in fact, he started back pedaling from those promises at a furious rate. He is now hinting the Mexican wall is figurative, he won't go after Hillary, he may stick with the Climate accord agreement, and some of Obama care is alright. Oh, by the way, that ban on Muslim immigration? That is being changed to extreme vetting. Funny, I heard Obama use that same term and I heard Trump excoriate him for that

Let me tell you this. The one thing that you can bet your next paycheck on is that he will immediately oversee the lowering of tax rates for the rich.

He cannot bring jobs back to the US because he will not get support from establishment Republicans. In addition, many of the lost jobs were lost to automation and, trust me, factories are not going to put that genie back in the bottle.

He swore that we would not become involved in nation building. Well, Castro just died and already he is talking about putting pressure on Cuba to change its ways.

We are seeing a wave of military personnel being given control of  key parts of the Government. The thing is, the military thrives on war, and I believe we have seen enough of that. They also thrive on money, and Trump has sworn to rebuild our tattered military. Now, how he is going to do that while cutting taxes is beyond me, or any remotely sane person who can add and subtract.

On top of that, Jill Stein has conned people into giving her a whole bunch of money to have the votes recounted in at least one, and possibly three, states. This is a doomed and silly effort. You can be sure that the guy the Powers That Be Want in there, got elected and will stay elected. It does seem that said Powers have had a little internal spat, but the winning side is the side that picked Donald, and they will have their way.

Now, we have just had a lone gunman shooting up the Ohio State University campus. Conveniently, he is dead. Funny how we never can take one of those guys alive. Cops settle hostage crises frequently without the bad guy getting killed, but get one of these supposedly random shootings and they just cannot manage it. And, now there are reports of a second shooter. I, again will bet that the second shooter will soon be declared non-existent. The is another funny thing about these mass shooting scenarios,

Strange days, indeed. Hold on tight. Thins are going to get a wee bit bumpy.

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