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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

America and the Big Day

Well, here at last is Election Day 20016. Woo hoo. Don't get too comfortable, because things will not be settled tonight. If things are as close as the experts seem to think, it may take days to get all of the absentee ballots counted. Then, we likely will see challenges, which will go to courts, then higher courts, etc, on up to the Supreme Court, which is , now, split 4 to 4. God knows what will happen then. There is even a small, but intriguing, possibility that we could have a tied Electoral vote and the whole thing then winds up in the House of Representative. The House is not bound to just the 2 candidates or any of the fringe candidates. If that happens, all hell will break loose.

No matter what, there are going to be some very nervous folks in DC. The electorate is not happy and all sides are looking for someone to take their anger out on. The problem is twofold. First, demographic. The dominant folks in the US have always been white. Now, it may be that blacks and Hispanics are the dominant group. This causes a division that is not an issue of race in the physical sense; it is an issue of  cultural differences. Add to this the so-called Millennials, who are blatantly Socialist (remember Bernie Sanders), and you have three groups whose values and views are very close to incompatible.

Second, economics; this is even tougher. The economy, around the World is changed. All economic models have always included the idea of growth. Guess what? The population cannot keep growing, the Earth has finite resources, and how the hell may cars and TVs can people buy. The economy cannot keep growing, unless we expand into outer space (I'm all for it, but something funny is going on with that, It seems a logical step, but it is clear that no nation wants to take it. Either we have all grown spineless, or we are not being told something). In addition, America has long controlled most of the World's resources; other people will no longer tolerate that, without a fight. To sum up, a rethinking of economics has to happen, but, I see no chance that any of our leaders can think on that level.

That leads me to a confession. For months I have written about my loathing of Hillary Clinton and I stand by that  . I have said that I would vote for The Donald just to vote against her and urged everyone to do likewise. Well, I just cannot vote for that pompous, half bright megalomaniac. I can't do it. I have listened to his recent speeches and admit that he at least and at last has grown coherent, but, if he enacts everything he espouses, we will be ruined.

He wants tax cuts, and most of those will benefit the wealthy. This is nothing but Reagan's Trickle Down Economy. It didn't work for Ronnie and it will not work now. He wants to rebuild the infrastructure and the military, initiate urban renewal in the black neighborhoods, and overhaul the education system. Worthwhile projects one and all, but they will cost a lot of money, an unthinkable amount. You cannot do that while cutting taxes. It is impossible. If he tries it, and pushes it through what will likely be a divided and totally useless Congress, we will be crippled economically forever.

That brings me to my last point. I am not unable to vote for Trump because of the moral failings in his personal life. He has had problems with women but, if you excluded every male who has similarly misbehaved, we would have had damn few Presidents. I am refusing to vote fro him because of his failed business ethics. I am quite sure that he, to make himself feel kinglike, would run up a massive debt, far worse than the ridiculous one we have now. Why do I think this? Because he has  done it repeatedly in his private businesses. When you are as wealthy as he is, and can create multiple corporations, bankrupting a couple, can, in a twisted way, be extremely beneficial. He admits that he has used tactics like this to make much money, and it is legal. However, people never stop to think about the consequence of bankruptcies are to those who are left holding the debt. The Donald, left massive debts, walked away, and many businesses he had contracted with, were unpaid. That in turn leaves their employees either unpaid or laid off. In addition, Trump's own employees were left unpaid. In addition, investors inn his companies lost big money.

In short, the more I look at Trump, the more I see, not a skilled businessman, but a skilled conman, a cheat and a bully who uses his money, like a petulant child, to get his way.

So there's the choice. A loathsome toad of a woman who does not have an honest bone in her body or a degenerate conman. That is the choice. God help us. Be ready, because the crap is about to hit the fan.

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