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Thursday, November 10, 2016

America -- Time to Move On

At long last, our nightmarish election is over. Yesterday, I admit that I spent a bit of time listening to our various pundits rattling off their opinions. Enough, it is done, and we have too much work to do to keep rehashing the whole mess.

I heard some trying to turn this whole mess into a racial issue. It is not. It is a cultural issue. The Nation is horribly divided. I lived through the violent demonstrations of the 60s, the Watergate troubles, the Iran-Contra scandal, the Clinton impeachments, and the several clashes between traditional values and several different 'new' movements such as feminism and gay rights.

Right now, this is about the worst I have seen. There is a violence simmering and about to boil over if we do not start respecting each other. To those who value the old traditions, I am with you, but, you have to respect those who are different. No one is saying you have to be best buddies, but there has to be some tolerance when you share common spaces. At the same time, I understand the frustration that comes when you realized that the Obamas and Clintons and their ilk view you as primitive, dangerous, simpleminded throwbacks to another era. We have got to just let that ride, ignore it, and get on with living our lives in what we believe is the correct manner.

Maybe, just maybe, we have elected a President and a Congress that will allow us to do just that. I still do not quite trust them, but I fervently hope that they prove me wrong.

To the more liberal members of our culture. You need to stop treating traditional Americans as if we were some sort of anthropological example of primitive culture. You are very sadly mistaken. Traditional values are traditional simply because they work. That does not mean that change is rejected, but it does mean that there need be a good reason for the change. You are free to live how you want but you really need to stop looking down your nose at people, good people, that you do not understand. Respect is a two way street. Do your thing, just don't rub people's noses in it.

The new Administration may work, it may not. We will just have to see, but I will almost assure everyone of one thing. Anything resembling a free ride, except for those with extreme physical and mental difficulties, is about over. We are all going to have a lot to do, so, if your side lost, get over it. Last night there were several large demonstrations around the country. Fine, that is a Constitutional right, but there is no right to set fires, smash store windows, and block both auto and train traffic. All violence needs to be stopped immediately, either by the protestors themselves, or the police. It is intolerable.

Other that that, give the new Administration a chance. And remember, we inhabit this Country and we will all be served by trying to get along with each other. That means respect and tolerance need to be practiced by all.

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