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Thursday, November 17, 2016

America - Something Stinks

I am noticing, in the aftermath of our election debacle, that there is something rotten, stinky, in the Land. I am having trouble putting my finger, or nose, on exactly what it is, but it is there.

The brash Trump came out of his security briefings looking like a scared rabbit. He immediately began backing away from several of his positions. Now, that may or may not be a good thing, but it is odd. He positioned himself as the 'Great Outsider.' I expected him to start bringing in experts, top notch people, new blood. Instead, we are seeing a parade of the same, tired old hacks, Gingrich, Sessions, Huckabee, Giuliani, and their ilk.

The media has been caught red handed, thanks to WikiLeaks, at their stacking of the deck in favor of Clinton. FBI Director , Comey, displayed all the deftness of an elephant trying to dance ballet in his handling of the Clinton affair.  Demonstrators are running amok, which is odd considering many of them did not vote; yet,  no one in the mainstream media seems willing to suggest that we are seeing a revival of past government programs such as COINTELPRO and Operation Chaos.

Then, there is the silence of the Clintons. As I have said,  I loathe them but, I find it very peculiar that they have gone so quietly. They, despite winning the popular vote, have not questioned the results, calling for no recounts. At the same time, Barak, despite his faint praise of Trump when they met, is flying around the World whining like a child at the thought that things are going to change. He talks about his legacy as if it were something precious. Truth is, he and his cohorts have damaged the once great Nation to the point that it may not recover.

In fact, now we are seeing a move to get the members of the Electoral College to refuse to vote for Trump. Can that be done? No one seems to know. If they succeed in getting it tried, this whole mess will end up in the Supreme Court, where, guess what? We have only 8 members so, there will be a tie vote and God only knows what will happen.

To make all of this a whole lot stranger, we have the Podesta emails and the so-called pizzagate scandal. I am not going into any of the sleazy details. It is sufficient to ask why some of this Land's most powerful people are seemingly hanging out with some very, unpleasantly bizarre people? A sensible person will question what the ordering of pizza for $40000 is short for; that it is code for something is beyond any doubt. It might seem a bit odd  that the media is just ignoring this disgusting mess, but, then, they know who butters their bread.

And, seemingly, so do all the politicians involved in our recent despicable sham of an election. Trump, the Clintons, Obama, Podesta, etc. all are sort of whining and carping, but they are marching in lockstep to wherever it is the folks who know where the deepest secrets lie  want them to go.

This whole disaster stinks and the worst part is that the good folks of the USA are going to get dumped on again. Just when and just how remain to be seen. I wish I had a crystal ball to help everyone out, but I seem to have lost mine. Just pay attention and be ready to duck when it all hits the fan.

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