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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

America and the October Surprise

Well, it happened. The FBI announced its reopening of the Clinton email scandal and, thanks to WikiLeaks, the Clinton Foundation is being exposed as a get rich scheme. Possibly. These things are very hard to prove and the Clintons are skilled at avoiding prosecution.

Will this change the outcome of this absurdity we call our Presidential Election? Who knows? Nothing about this seemingly never ending soap opera makes any sense. Even if Clinton wins, she may face Federal Charges and actually could take office while under indictment. Impeachment could follow. In a way, that would be a hoot. In our history, only 2 Presidents have been impeached, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton. It would be wonderfully ironic if the 3rd was also a Clinton.

Trump is gaining ground but his overall sleaziness and his many shaky financial dealings make it very difficult to get enthusiastically behind him. He is currently controlling his tongue and is making a show of being compassionate and 'Presidential,' but I have a hard time believing his show will last. On the other hand, if elected, I don't think he will be criminally indicted for anything. He does still have a few law suits hanging over his head, but that is small time compared to Hillary.

I still think that I will drag myself out to vote for Trump, but it will be with no enthusiasm. I simply do not like him and do not trust him. The one thing I know for sure is that I will be glad when this election is over. Maybe. The more I think about this, the more I believe that no matter who wins, there will be an unpleasant string of demonstrations and legal actions. This will not end well.

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