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Monday, November 21, 2016

America - Watch those Chickens

I turned on the news when I got up this morning, (I have got to stop doing that) and discovered that more cops were executed. Trump is still considering his sworn enemy Mitt Romney for his Cabinet, is still considering the recently politically disgraced Chris Christy, and the rapidly aging Rudy Giuliani. Obama is apparently now on the verge of losing it as his beloved legacy is about to be wiped out and is vowing that he will speak out as he sees fit ( which means he will be picking at Trump).

The Clintons and their distraught supporters are still trying to blame everyone but themselves for their disastrously incompetent campaign. Bernie Sanders is promising that he will be a nightmare to Trump and Nancy Pelosi is holding on to her political life by the skin of her teeth.

Russia is almost desperately modernizing its weaponry, possibly a pretty good move since America has become bizarrely touchy about Putin's activities. The European Union is breaking down. French are ousting President Sarkozy. Illegal immigrants are flooding the United States to get a toehold before the border wars start and a bunch of Mayors are set to defy Federal Government orders and remain safe havens for illegal immigrants. Oh, I almost forgot. Those demonstrations over a pipe land going across Native American land are getting very tense and are now being called riots.

My point? Okay. Every bit of unpleasantness we, and the rest of the lunatic asylum we have made out of this lovely little planet, is a direct result of past activities. You cannot duck the past. The lessons of history must be learned and the mess cleaned up. Otherwise, it will keep haunting and will get worse, until things get disastrous. Sorry, that's just how things work and neither you nor I can change that.

Buddhists and Hindus call it karma. Jesus said that as you sow, so shall you reap. I prefer an old country saying. It's just the chickens coming home to roost. Well, I hear a few hens clucking and some roosters starting to crow. Those chickens are settling in, so for the next few weeks, or months, or years, watch the chickens. 

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