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Friday, December 2, 2016

America.and the Shell Game

We were promised that the swamp would be drained. Instead, our new administration seems intent on importing quicksand, gators, snakes, possums, all the things that make swamps such fun places. One by one, we are being shown a parade of new cabinet officers who are just old time Washington and big business hacks.

Trump,  quite rightly, excoriated Clinton and Cruz for their associations with the wretched Goldman Sachs (remember the last recession and the bank bailouts? the housing crisis and all of that?) He then turns around and names two former Goldman Sachs big shots, Bannon and Mnuchin, to his team. Hypocrisy is the order of the day.

Actually, that is too kind of a word. What you are seeing is an old fashioned shell game, or maybe three card Monte. The con man shuffle the shells, or cards so fast and skillfully, you cannot keep your eye on the prize. The Administration, using the loathsome tool of Twitter, is shrieking about flag burning, and election fraud (probably non existent, or, if real, practiced by both sides) to take your attention away from the parade of insider, power hungry, money grubbing hacks that our Government will soon be filled with.

Secretary of State is still open, look for it to be filled with either Romney, a man once ridiculed by Trump, or Patraeus, a man who, by his own admission, leaked classified information to his biographer, a woman he was having an extra-marital fling with.  I would have sworn the Trump, quite rightly, attacked Hillary for the same thing, minus, minus the tawdry affair angle. Again, blatant, hypocrisy.

If you are journeying to DC anytime after the inauguration, take some anti-snake bite venom, bring along one of those gator hunters from Swamp People, and watch for quicksand, because the swamp is gong to be firmly entrenched there.

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