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Thursday, November 3, 2016

America - Chill Out

Today, I saw a long article about something I have been predicting. It seems that in many parts of the Land, Militia groups are warming up for the aftermath of a Clinton victory. You have folks out there training for a possible armed resistance to what they see as the final nail in the coffin of America.

I understand their frustration, their anger. The folks who built this Nation into what it was in its recent greatness, feel that their Nation and the traditional values it was built on are being shoved aside. They are correct about that. Hillary's America, if she gets a cooperative Congress will, in a year or two, bear very little resemblance to the Land we grew up in, the one we love. This was a great Nation and she, and her ilk, will wear it down to the level of a cheap banana republic.

Having said that, chill out people. Do not go off in a rage and start doing things you will regret. Face the facts. In any armed confrontation, you will lose. That is a fact. Get over it.

Think. If you get yourself locked away, or, God forbid, killed, who will be around to teach your kids about the values that made this such a great Nation. Who will pass along your spiritual values and the lessons you have learned about hard work. Who will correct the half truths they will learn in schools and see to it that they learn things of value.

The quagmire we likely will find ourselves in, will not last forever, if folks engage in a sensible, low keyed resistance, based on learning, work, and spirituality. You will have a hard time resisting anything if you are in jail or dead. Chill out. Things are bad; they may get worse, but there is hope, as long as you are alive.

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