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Thursday, October 27, 2016

America and Mrs. Clinton

More and more comes out about Hillary. Leaked emails show that her own staff does not think that she is mentally balanced. Still, it looks likely that she will be elected. The Clinton Foundation is an obvious disgrace, and still she will likely be elected. I just do not understand.

Trump is a deeply flawed human male. Get over it. We are all flawed. He at least admits that he has made mistakes with women in the past and has apologized. I do not hear a lot of apologies from Bill Clinton. Hillary excoriates Trump, but we have a record, on tape and written, of Hillary brutally attacking the women who spoke up about Slick Willie's bad behavior.

Hillary is still all for continuing business as usual with nations like Saudi Arabia where the treatment of women is deplorable. She is pro gay rights, yet again, she favors  business as usual with nations like Saudi Arabia where gays are at risk of being killed at any moment.

She attends prayer breakfasts and frequently evokes the name of The Lord, while stating, quite bluntly that Catholics would just have to change what she says are their antiquated beliefs. How dare she? Yet, she will likely be elected.

She goes on and on about Russia, claiming that they are trying to influence our elections. Now, while I find her  loathsome, I do not think that she is unlearned when it comes to history. I am very sure that she knows that we have often intervened in the politics of other Nations. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines, Pakistan, Cuba, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Egypt, the Congo, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, the Sudan, Somalia, Yugoslavia, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Panama, Grenada, Argentina, Chile, El Salvador, Mexico, Indonesia, in all of these Nations we have deeply intervened in their politics, often very violently. And these are just the ones from WW2 until the present. There are probably more; these are just the ones I remember off the top of my head. I could write pages and pages on this subject, but why bother? Because, still she will bray about how Russia is intervening and no one in the Press will call her out on this. I would call the Press spineless scum, but, again, why bother, because, she will still likely be elected.

She has been caught, going all the way going back to her days as a Watergate investigator, in lie after lie and scandal after scandal. And still she will almost surely be elected. I was hoping that maybe one more scandal, one more batch of problematic emails released by WikiLeaks will stop her march to power,  but, the more I think of it, the more convinced I am that it would make no difference.

She will be elected. Trump is certainly no prize, but he looks saintly in comparison. America will not accept him because the folks he appeals to are no longer the majority. The folks who are willing to work and strive for better, the folks I grew up with, have been replaced by a bunch of spineless wimps who just want the Federal Government to hold their hand, pat them on the head, and tell them not to worry. They want cradle to grave care without the responsibility and work.

Well, all you adult babies get ready, you are about to get what you wished for. It will be a nightmare, but, you know what? I think you are all so spineless and ignorant  that you won't even understand how bad things are.

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