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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Aliens Are Invading - Run For Your Lives

Another short post because I am buried inn things to do. I have ti comment in the latest immigration lunacy.
You would think that Attila the Hun was massed at our border with at least a million heavily armed troops. Our President is threatening to over ride the immigration laws, even Constitutional rules, by executive order. We are rushing 1000s of troops to deal with them.
Well, there are a few 1000 immigrants, poor, some kids, some not  at all well, walking. Slowly. They are about 2 months away and may not even make it this far.
But boy are we worried and we are prepared and it is all a bunch of nonsense. All of this is just a political game. It is all about power and it is a waste of time and money and every one who is wringing their hands and getting hysterical about this should be ashamed of their selves.
Just chill out and stop all of your lunacy

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