Okay. Now we have a whole bunch of package bombs. Not a one has exploded. The media is beset with experts trying to figure out what is going on. And, for once, most are admitting that they really have no idea.
The bombs themselves seem amateurish almost too amateurish. Maybe they were not intended to explode, just scare, If so, then they may be the work of a real expert.. In ways, it is much harder to make a good fake than the real thing/
There is the political angle. This definitely is aimed at very liberal Democrats. Unless it's not. In the World of the Deep State, things are not always what they seem to be. But, this may be from an individual ir group that is independent of any part of the Government, or the power behind the Government.
A 'lone nut?' That is the idea usually trotted out and, after all the times it has been used, that is wearing a bit thin. Beside, this is a fairly large event and I don't really think that one person is doing this.
One thing for sure, If the object is to scare, it has worked. Statements by politicians to the contrary, it has brought a large chunk of NY City to a stop. Not to mention the panic it has brought to up State NY, S. Florida, DC and now Delaware.
One thing this should bring to mind is a much overlooked fact. With the exception of 9/11, most of our terrorists have been homegrown. Remember Oklahoma City, the Unibomber, Las Vegas, the Olympic bombings in Atlanta some years ago, the Weathermen bombings in the 60s. And the list could go on and on. Throw in the Zodiac, the Zebra Killings and Son of Sam, all events that, yes, terrorized cities. Heck, you can go back to John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry before the Civil War, an act that these days would be considered terrorist.
I have no idea what's happening and neither does anyone else, except those responsible. I am a bit surprised no one has claimed credit yet. That is not a good sign. It tells me that more is planned
What to do? Not much. Stay on your toes and pay attention. But, don't worry a lot. It will do you no food and much har, All of this is nothing new and, it will pass.
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