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Friday, December 16, 2016

America - Have We All Gone Mad?

Today was going to be Part 2 of The Donald Chronicles, but that will wait until next week because right now, I think we are losing our collective minds.

Where should I begin? Okay, let's start with the behavior of our current President. I have seen Presidents come and go, and while, at times, it was clear that they disliked each other, they put on a good face and tried to make the transition smooth. I have never seen a President try so blatantly and ruthlessly to undermine his successor. Obama is ranting about Russian influence on the election. In trying to cast doubt on the legitimately of Trump's victory, he is attempting to stop the Nation from coming together around the new guy.

You have Electors seriously talking about refusing to vote for the person their state's voters chose. You have politicians egging them on, encouraging this outrageous behavior. You have Electors, with no security clearance, demanding security briefings before they vote. At the same time, you have the security agencies refusing to brief Congress until the President gives his approval.

I just saw an ad, a long, expensive ad, put together by various celebrities urging Electors to refuse to vote for the choice of their state's people. Who in the Hell gives a rat's skinny, little ass what a bunch of spoiled, overpaid, half assed singers and actors have to say about the running of the country. Tell the all to go have another margarita, shut up, and go find a real job.

As far as Russia and hacking goes, let's grow up and face the real world. First, no matter who is ultimately behind the leaks, they still display a candidate and a party and a State department that danced dangerously close to felonious illegalities. At the very least, it shows how insanely incompetent they were. Second, we have no moral high ground to stand on. I have pointed out in previous posts that we, the USA, have intervened, often violently, in  the internal politics of many nations. Just recently, Obama threatened England with serious economic difficulties before the Brexit vote.

Dose Russia hack US communications? No doubt. And guess what? We hack theirs. This is the way of politics and things have been that way since long before the Nation was founded. It is idiotic, wasteful and dangerous and it is not going to stop any time soon. Does Putin know about this? He would be a damn poor leader if he didn't. Did Putin influence the election? He did not have to because the Democrats ran the worst, most incompetent candidate they could. Clinton beat Clinton.

Now, we have Obama issuing grave threats to Russia. Funny, he did the same thing to Assad in Syria and they just took Aleppo and are about to finish off the Syrian rebels. The destruction of a once great city and the horrific slaughter of its people is a nightmare. What happened to that stern Presidential warning? And why, in the name of anything sane, is he trying to pick a major fight with Russia?

What we are seeing, quite likely, is a showdown, a big time showdown, between two factions for the soul of America. The old time, left wing, Eastern Establishment, that has had its way for many years, has been almost swept aside by the anti-globalist, pro-America faction. Both groups are fantastically wealthy and frighteningly powerful and both are deeply, deeply flawed but, when it comes down to choosing sides, I'll stay with the pro-American traditionalists every time. This used to be a damn good Country and, maybe, just maybe, we can be that way again.

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