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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

America and the Shifting Balance of Power

Things have changed, shifted. The balance of power is not what it was.

For long years, and you can forget about political parties and who was in office, this Country has been run by the so-called left wing of the Establishment, the Rockefellers, Morgans, Mellons, Bushes, and their lackeys (Clintons, Obamas, Carters, Gores, Kerrys, etc). These are the globalists (remember GHW Bush and his 'new world order'). They weakened America, changed us into a Nation of grumpy, old folks sitting in diners and griping that the air is too warm, the soup too cold and the burger too rare. Here and there, we exercise a little and flexed our increasingly flabby muscles in little, unwinnable pseudo-wars.

These were the power brokers and this time around, they had decided that one of the dynasties would be continued. Either Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton were to be chosen and it did not matter in the least who it was. However, The Donald, stepped in and kicked Jeb out. Still, he was thought a joke, a cartoon and HRC was set to beat him like a gong.

But, their old-boy establishment has always had an opposition. Military men, certain elements in the intelligence community, and fantastically wealthy individuals who made their money outside the establishment businesses. These folks saw an opening when Trump was nominated and they grabbed hold like a fox with a chicken. Using a deep understanding of how populations are manipulated and the WikiLeaks of Julian Assange (and I am very sure that the emails he leaked are legitimate), they pulled off a non-violent military coup and have wrestled power from the hands of those they have long loathed, the Eastern, liberal Establishment.

Okay, what does that mean? They promise to make America great again. First, forget the new jobs angle; most jobs have been lost to automation and these folks love machines and gadgets. That leaves the military. Trump is filling his Cabinet with some of most hard core military people around and is promising to recreate our military might (how, when he is cutting taxes, is beyond anyone who can do simple math, but, just for the fun of it, let's take him at his word).

Alright, yeah, we are no longer a bunch of kvetching old folks, we are once again a young, powerful giant. What next? Think back, guys, on your adolescent days when, testosterone raging, you were ready to attack anyone at the slightest hint of an insult. We already know, from past events and statements, that The Donald is touchy, belligerent, and vengeful. This cannot be a good thing.

It is one thing to be powerful, it is another thing entirely to be belligerent. In the real World, actions have consequences, sometimes horrific consequences. A World leader, if he acts like a petulant child, and we have all witnessed Trump doing just that, can, and likely will cause an eruption of havoc that will costs the lives of countless people.

Rest assured however, that the new Powers That Be, like the ones they are replacing, will not be among the casualties. That will be the privilege of  the common folk. Hillary might have called us deplorables, but, to the new  bosses, we are expendables. 

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