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Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Obama - the Media - and the Truth

Today, we have post-Christmas mall riots, cop shootings, the Syrian debacle, China threatening, Putin threatening, and the fat kid who runs Korea threatening. So what's the big news?

The death of George Michaels. Okay, it's sad when anyone dies of a heart attack at 53, but why is the death of a moderately talented pop star more tragic that the death of anyone else at a premature age. Countless mothers and fathers and children die every day, and we don't go into deep mourning. Because someone made some semi-decent records hardly justifies the intense coverage of his passing.

The other big story is Obama's blame of conservatives in general and Fox news specifically for the Democratic defeat in the recent election. He actually named Fox in his statement, thus setting a new low standard for tackiness.

Sorry, Obama, the fault lies in the Democratic Party itself and it is twofold. First, you and the Party have long overlooked the remaining power of those who love traditional America. That is ironic since, at one time, that's who the Democrats represented. Now, the Party has shifted so far to the left, that it represents only minorities. You cannot win an election when your base is almost strictly just Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, gays and lesbians, over the top feminists, and students. Heck, you didn't even get all of their votes and many of them, seemingly just sat the election out.

And that brings us to the second problem your party had, Hillary Clinton. The woman was a terrible candidate. She didn't speak, she brayed (perhaps that was fitting give the Party symbol, the donkey) The alternately bellowed belligerently and whined childishly. She lied herself into a corner Houdini could not have escaped from and showed a complete lack of respect for traditional Americans, us deplorables. The only reason she has not been tried and convicted of several crimes is that, like her husband, good old Slick Willie, is that she knows many of the skeletons hanging in the closets of the powerful.

As far as Fox goes, they did successfully balance CNN and The New York Times, otherwise known as the media wing of the Democratic Party, but it might interest you, CNN and Fox to  know that no one trusts the big time Media outlets. Many, many people get their news from the internet, including something all politicians dread, the alternative media. The folks who run those sights definitely get some things wrong, but no more that the standard media and at least they get news out that the guys in your pocket, or for that matter, in Trumps pocket, ignore, calling it fake news.

We have no. big time media that really give us news. All network and cable news runs by a formula, give the headlines, then have a bunch of talking heads sit around and argue politics. Gone are the days when someone like Walter Cronkite would tour Vietnam to find the facts. Gone are the days when Edward R. Murrow would go to Oklahoma and spend days with the Okies to learn about their devastating circumstance. Instead the same old tired faces show up, day after day, to drag out numbers and pseudo-fact to spin the news in the way they see fit. Not a one of them should be allowed on Sesame Street, much less on the air explain important events to us.

So, President Barak Obama, suck it up and face the facts. The Democratic Party got its ass kicked because people are tired of the utter crap that people like you and Hillary and Wolf Blitzer and Bill O'Reilly and Karl Rove and Thomas Freidman and every other conventional politician and pundit have been feeding us. Trump is a wild card. Maybe, he will change things. Let me amend that. He will change things, the question is for good or ill. I think, maybe, for the most part, for the good, but at least it will change.

My Dad, when face with people who could not make a decision, use to say, "for Gods. sake, do something , even if it's wrong." Well, face it Barak, we, the traditional heart of America, did something.

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