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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

America - Politics and Theology

This is a sticky subject, worthy of a full length book treatment. But, relax, I have no intention of even attempting that. What brings the subject to mind, us my recent rereading of Frank Herbert's Dune and the subsequent Children of Dune. The main subject of his series is the interplay of religion, especially a populist, Messianic religion, and politics.

Religious fanaticism, when inflamed by a popular, charismatic leader, is overwhelmingly dangerous. In past civilizations, religion and governance were inseparable. The Pharaohs of Egypt were god/kings. In later times, Church and State were complimentary arms of Government, such as in the European royalty and their assumption of the Divine rights of kings.

Slowly, Church and State grew more and more separate, until, in the USA, they were Constitutionally declared to be totally separate. This has become more and more the case in modern Western culture. (I know that this is an amazingly simple minded way of stating things, but, as I said, I am not writing a book). 

But, however much we think we want to separate these areas, humans are religious animals. Even atheism is a religious stance, a negative one, but religious none the less. The recent Presidential regime, despite its protests to the contrary, has attempted to be almost purely secular. It has become almost funny in its politically correct attempts at ecumenical inclusion. Many in this Country are happy with this, and many are not. Seemingly, those who are not have spoken. Our current President elect has repeatedly said he will defend Christianity around the World and at home. His Vice President is devoutly Catholic and he is surrounding himself with folks in his Cabinet who are very traditional in their beliefs.

He is walking a tightrope, with only a very tiny safety net. Fortunately, he is a very middle of the road Christian. Were he a rabidly charismatic preacher, dogmatic in his beliefs, we might have a wee bit of a problem.

Much of the World is not Christian. A lot of Europe gives, at best, lip service to Christianity. China is still officially atheist, but seems to be allowing some leeway on the subject. Much of the Far East is still Buddhist or practices their local and ancient beliefs, although there are pockets of Christianity. India is Hindu dominated.

Africa is a very uneasy blend of old religions, Christianity and Islam. The Middle East is, of course, mostly, although by no means totally Islam. Mexico, Central and South America are still. largely Catholic, but inroads have been made by local beliefs and Protestantism, especially Pentecostal.

Why is this important? Simple. Someone (and I cannot remember who) said that all politics is theological and truer words were never spoken. How you view the World and its place in the Cosmos and how, or even if, you relate to the Creator, dominates all of your beliefs, all of them. Thus, religion determines, to a huge degree, how you think we should be governed.

We may have got it right in this Country by choosing Trump. It is a fine idea to bring back the Christian view that has worked so well in this Nation's past. At the same time, he is moderate enough to be sensible. I think.

I grew up in and loved the traditional America and that included its spiritual basis. At the same time, I and most folks I knew, were never over the top with our beliefs. We tried to be realistic and sensible within that framework. Maybe, that is where we are headed now. Maybe.

I still do not trust Trump, but, I could be wrong. It would not be the first time and it will not be the last. Maybe this will work. I'm not at all sure how, but, maybe.

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