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Thursday, December 8, 2016

America - The Donald Chronicles, Part 1

Here and there, I want to point out the strange activities of our President elect. I will call these posts the Donald Chronicles.

Right now, Trump seems intent on filling his Cabinet with as many Military officers as possible. These guys also, often, have deep ties to the Defense industry. I get a wee bit uncomfortable with such folks controlling how the Government spends its Defense dollars. Also, the Military seldom has a lot of interest in keeping us out of conflicts, since conflicts justify all that money they get.

Trump has, seemingly (it is really hard to keep track of what he's doing) gone from four candidates for Secretary of State to maybe as many as ten. This includes Gen. Petraeus. who admitted and resigned from the CIA because of giving classified information to his biographer and lover. This is the same crime Trump beleaguered Hillary about. She deserved it, but why is he excepting the General's behavior.

Then, we have his financial issues. He says he will give control of his business to his kids, but then wants his kids as advisors, setting up a very real conflict of interest problem. Then, today, he says he might keep some control of his business. Legally, he doesn't have to do anything. He can run his business while President if he wants to, but it does seem a might tacky. Any way you look at it, it would be nice if he could just make up his mind.

Then, we have Gen. Flynn, who has gravely and idiotically insulted the Chinese. He has written that they, the Russians, the Cubans, and the North Koreans are deeply tied to Al Qaida and ISIS. The Chinese point out that a) it's not true and b) they are having huge Islamic problems of their own with their Moslem Uighar  population, which makes their denial of ties to terrorist groups pretty plausible.

Trump named a virulent Global warming opponent to head the EPA, which is at least consistent with his stated position on the matter (he called it a hoax created by the Chinese, angering them even more). However, he then says maybe he's wrong and has started asking Climate Change aficionados to visits at Trump Tower.

He is claiming that he has negotiated with Carrier and convinced them to stay in the USA. Well, that is sort of truthy. Yes, a good number of jobs are staying, but a great many are still going away and it only cost us $7,000,000 in tax breaks. I didn't know we were going to bribe companies into staying.

As far as the Japanese banker investing $50 billion in the USA, I would love to know the details and as far as the 50,000 jobs that is supposed to bring, well, we are going to have to wait and see on that, but I would not hold my breath.

I will return to the Chronicles of The Donald in the near future. In the meantime, remember this. Everything that is being said by the media and the President-elect's transition team is just a shell game, three card Monte on a global scale. On the other hand, it is one of the most inane and silly shows on TV.  

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