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Monday, December 19, 2016

America - The Donald Chronicles, Part 2

Well, today, the Electoral College votes and it is almost a sure thing that Trump will be named President. America had best hope and pray that this goes smoothly. If it does not, if enough Electors go rogue and this is not finalized today, all Hell will break loose. But, let's assume all goes as scheduled.

I have had, and continue to have, grave doubts about Trump. But, to be fair, he has surprised me a little. At first, it looked like he was creating his Cabinet out of an assortment of tired, old Washington insiders. That would have been disappointing, but not surprising.

Then, he began loading the Cabinet with military personnel. For a while, I thought I was witnessing a junta, a military takeover. Then, he surprised me. He name Tillerson as Secretary of State. This was a huge surprise. The man is a talented business man and will bring a new approach to that office.

Some, both Republicans and Democrats, are upset. While they will not admit it, I am sure that the naming of a business leader instead of the usual political hack, to that office is not what they were looking for, In addition they are all in a snit because he is friendly with Putin. They have done business together and the Established politicians seem to think Tillerson is going to hand Vlad the keys to the Nation.

Personally, I would rather see a guy who gets on with Russia in the State Department than someone who is hostile. Putin is by no means saintly, but then, neither is Trump, neither are any of you, and neither am I. We need to get a grip on something. The rest of the World is not the same as us. They have radically different traditions and their government cannot and will not be the same as ours. Putin could not be President here and Obama would not have worked there. In addition, where do we get off complaining about Russia when we support some absolutely wretched leaders in other nations. An example? Our good buddies the Saudis. Their monarchy is nightmarish and still brutally suppresses women. They make Putin look like an old hippy.

Looking over Trump's nearly completed Cabinet is interesting. He has mixed old time Washington insiders, the military, business people, and a few off the wall characters (like Steve Bannon). They all disagree on many issues, both with each other and Trump. I like it. Such tension, if handled correctly, can lead to new ideas, and God knows we need that. It might work. I still think it's a long shot, but it might work.

One thing for sure. The next four years will be interesting. Pay attention. It might be the best show around.  

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