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Friday, February 5, 2016

America - Think Outside the Box

It has been said, I believe by Albert Einstein, that the definition of insanity is continuing to do the same thing, over and over, while expecting the results to change. If you go out this morning, and you have a dead battery, you can go back every 5 minutes and try to start your car and, trust me, it won't start. If you keep expecting your engine to roar into action, you have a bit of a mental issue.

Well, we go out every 4 years and go through the same process of choosing a President and Congress, and, guess what? Nothing changes, at least not in the way we hope for. Things certainly do not improve. As a result, I have come to the conclusion that we, as a Nation, are actually quite mad.

Now I have no problem with madness. Most of the folks I have counted as friend throughout my life have been unusual, to put it nicely. I myself, have been long considered eccentric, by some, and a lunatic, by others, and I accept those descriptions with a bit of pride. But, as weird as I am, I do not bang my head against the wall.

There must be a new way, a different way, to affect change in America. The problem is, the elections, the whole process of them, requires a lot of money, and, for the most part, money is funneled through PACs to the candidates. The PACs, of course, represent special interests, in other words, big corporations. They do not want change that will benefit the average American. To do so would cost them money and power. I do have a little interest in Bernie Sander's campaign which seems to be financed by small donations. Interesting, and I will watch to see how far he can go before the well runs dry. Maybe, in his candidacy, there is a glimmer of hope that the process might work, but do not count on it. I will be shocked if, as time goes on, the big business does not just start flooding money into other campaigns.

It is interesting that young folks seem to be Bernie's supporters and are the ones contributing. That is great but, to be blunt, there are 2 problems there. First, young people are generally not that affluent and it is not sure how long they can keep donating. Second, past history shows that young people have attention spans much like that of a puppy. They go wild about something for a brief while, then  turn their attention to the next thing that grabs their eye. I am not faulting them; I was the same way. It is just the nature of young humans. So, in short, while I am interested, I am not holding out great hope for Bernie.

No, I think that, in the end, this election cycle will be just like the others, a waste. So, how will we right the American ship of State. By turning our attention away from the tried and true. Take your life into your own hands. If you have an idea, no matter how unusual, for a business, try it. Start small and stay small. That way, you retain control. Start considering alternative approaches to economics, such as bartering. Look into forming cooperatives, like minded folks who work together to buy various things in bulk, at better prices. Look into things like community gardens. Consider, as much as possible, to barter for goods, and especially, for services. Look after your own health; even with good insurance, doctors and medicines are costly. Avoid hugely expensive entertainments, such as big concerts and top level professional sports. You can often hear great music by lesser known artists and a school baseball game can often be as entertaining as a Yankee game. Better still, learn to make some music yourself, or get out and play sports with friends.

Vote locally and try to find folks who will attempt to change things at a local level. That is where you still have a chance to make something actually happen.

Stay out of debt. If you are in debt, get out as soon as possible. Do not buy on credit unless it is a dire emergency. Once you are in debt, you are trapped.

Most of all, stay small and stay away as much as possible from the mainstream. The big companies and the big politicians will eat you alive. When you are free from the machinations of those who are running the big show, then your mind is free to think outside the box. When we start to do this, there is a chance for real change. But, if you continue to keep doing the same thing, day after day, year after year, with the hope that one day it will work, you are quite mad, but not in a fun way.

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