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Monday, February 8, 2016

America _ More Wild Speculation, Part 1

I had so much fun the other day with various wild speculations about possible natural disasters that I decided to look at a man made one today. Keep in mind that all of this is speculation and not likely to happen, or so I am assured. Who knows?

Let's start with a big one. It has been considered among some of the weirder folks who write, both in print and on the Internet, that soon, very soon, the Government, in some sort of conspiracy involving the Military and the Executive Branch, will create a crisis and use that as an excuse to suspend the Constitution. This is based around the existence of a 'shadow government' designed and kept operational for just in case a true disaster arises. Now, certainly, we need plans for emergencies, but, not when those handling those plans are using them to run things, form outside the legal government. That such provisions exist is a fact, documentation abounds, and we have seen this shadow government stick its little nose up for air a couple of times. During the Iran Contra affair, it became clear that certain people within the government and military were playing by different rules and running a sort of parallel government, one not necessarily in synch with the official one.

Then, as the horror of 9/11 was unfolding, we saw more evidence. Remember GW Bush sitting reading to school kids. Remember how Dick Chaney was swept into safety and seclusion. Remember how orders for dealing with the aftermath were being carried out, even though we, the people were not told where those orders were coming from. Who actually ordered all of that metal from the wreckage to be gathered and sold for scrap before it could be analyzed? Who, in the midst of a total lockdown of the Nation's airports, approved the flight of Saudis who suddenly had an itch to go home? Who, when it was clear that planes were being flown off course and toward major cities, ordered the Air Force to stand down with no protective response? Well, someone did. Major operations such as that do not happen spontaneously.

If you poke around a bit, dig through some records that are easily found on the Internet, you will see that such things have gone on for a while. Just look at a little deal called Operation Paperclip. At the end of World War 2, Truman, our President and Commander in Chief, ordered that ex-Nazis of any significant rank, not be allowed into the US. Well, the head of the OSS, Alan Dulles, which then morphed into the CIA, had false documents drawn up so that we could import a whole bunch of ex=Nazi scientists, including 'rocket man' Werner von Braun, a former SS officer. As part of the deal, the brainchild of Hitler's secretary, Martin Borman, we also allowed many loathsome individuals, who should have been tried at Nuremberg, to flee to South America with a bunch of money.

Fast forward to the latter days of the Eisenhower administration and you will find, in the government's own records, the insane proposal of Operation Northwood. It seems that once Castro decided he was a Communist and began ousting American business interests, largely the holdings of such outstanding citizens as Meyer Lansky, Carlos Marcello, and Santos Trafficante, our Military and CIA began urging the President to do something unthinkable. They thought we should dress Latin-looking soldiers up in Cuban Army uniforms and sent them through the streets of a few major US cities, randomly shooting people was proposed. It was assumed that this would rile the citizens into supporting an invasion of Cuba. Eisenhower thought it a good idea. Before it could be done, Kennedy took office and said, no, we definitely would not be doing that, the beginning of a hostile relationship between himself and some of the more shadowy figures in out government and military the ended with, well, we know how it ended. The shadowy side of our Government, those secreting themselves and pulling the strings from the background have been gaining power ever since.

Look at the mess. Assassinations, the CIA guarding of opium flights out of the golden Triangle, project MkUltra, project COINTEl, Watergate, Iran-Contra, the cocaine flights of Barry Seal into Mena Arkansas, Whitewater (that investigation was never pushed hard into the financial areas, instead we worried about the President having some girl play with his private parts), 9/11, the shameful manipulations and lies that sent us into our never ending adventures in the Mid-East, on and on the lists go. Some group is pulling the strings, calling the shots, and it is not our elected officials. They are just marionettes, front men. This has gone on throughout our history but, since the second World War, this shadow group is calling the shots more and more.

So, will they declare an emergency and finally, at last, complete their takeover. How would they manage that you may ask? Stay tuned for Part 2.

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