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Monday, February 22, 2016

America and the X-files

I rarely watch current TV shows in the evening because I find few of them worth the time. I was a bit reluctant to watch the current run of the X-files because I thought that they would just be a stale rehash of the old show. Boy, was I surprised.

They have muddied the waters even more than the old show did. That is how it should be because, when you look into the odder things that are going on in the World, what is sometimes called High Weirdness (I love that phrase), the waters grow darker and darker. There are no simple answers because none of us really know for sure what is being done or to what end. But, any honest person who looks at the bizare happenings in the World know that somethings or some people, or both are trying to do something, and odds are, it is none to pleasant.

There is a growing consensus that the old idea of UFOs and aliens as visitors from another planet arriving in nuts and bolts spaceships  is probably not quite accurate. More likely they are beings who have figured a way through from some other dimension. Most physicists are leaning toward a model of the Universe that has more that our 4 dimensions, although no one has a clue what goes on outside our own limited space and time.

Long time students of weird phenomenon, such as Jaques Valle, make the case that what we see as ETs are the same beings that have always plagued and delighted man, angels, demons, devas, manitou, gods and godesses, kami. They go by many names. Some seem wise and benevolent and some seem very malevolent, but, one and all, they are tricksters and dangerous. To the religious out there, read your Scriptures. Angels were not thought of as beautiful androgynes or fat, winged babies, They were grand and terrible and people were scared when they appeared.

Who do they serve? What do they want? Who knows? They just seem to be here, now and forever, but, humans being what they are, try to use and manipulate these powerful entities, usually to disasterous ends. The interwoven plots of men and these spiritual tricksters become so baroque in their complexity that the truth of the matter is lost and things just go on and on. Schemes rise and fail and morph into new forms and will do so until the end of time, if time indeed ends. Why? Ask the Creator. I have no clue.

So, Mulder is right, the truth is out there, but neither he nor any of us will find it because it is a constantly evolving morass of lunacy. All we can do is pay attention and dodge when the mess flows our way.

But, back to the X-files. They did something I never thought I would see; they had Mulder take a Magic Mushroom trip and portrayed it a reasonably positive fashion. Was it a realistic portrayal. Well, yes, sort of. Not exactly, but such experiences are awfully hard to convey in any medium. I was just amazed that they did it.

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