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Wednesday, February 3, 2016

America and Wild Speculation

In my last blog, I stated my belief that something big is about to hit America and that our leaders are keeping our attention focused on this inane election so we would not notice. Don't upset the rabble; keep the peasants calm is often their attitude. I also said that I did not want to engage in useless speculation, but, on second thought, why not? Wild speculation is fun and seems to be  a favored pastime. So, here goes.

Let us assume that our government financed scientists keep things from us. That is a good assumption. There are 3 natural disasters that are very possibly going to hit in the foreseeable future. We are told that scientists have no clue when but, I think they might have a wee clue.

First, the Yellowstone super volcano. It is definitely due to blow. Seemingly it does that on a periodic basis and is slightly past due, and the crown in the caldera is rising at an ever increasing and alarming rate. What if it blows? Well, for ages we have been told that it will wipe out much of Earth's life and bury US citizens in ash up to our neck. There is a growing consensus among geologists that such an estimate is a little exaggerated. If you are within 1000 miles of a full blow, yes,, you are gone but, further away, the chances of survival improve. Certainly life will be tough and vastly changed, but many, the further away the better, will survive. We will still likely have the capability of feeding ourselves. However, the rest of the world will be in deep trouble. We grow a whole lot of food and, in the aftermath of such a disaster, we would stop exports. It is estimated that about 400000000 Africans would die of starvation quickly and we have no idea what this would do to China, since they too depend on us for a lot of food.

Even a partial eruption would create chaos. Chaos, of course breeds conflict and I do not believe that the rest of the World will sit by and starve peacefully. Areas like the Ukraine also produce much grain and, this may give you an idea why Putin is so eager to keep control there. I certainly cannot blame him, however I can understand why Europe gets a but edgy over the whole scenario, especially since it now has all of those Middle Eastern mouths to feed.

However, there is now thought that the volcano may not blow. Instead, the building pressure could cause a shift in the tectonic plates, leading to a massive Earthquake, something on the scale of a 9 on the Richter scale, the equivalent of 99000000 tons of TNT. What this would do to the rest of our Earth's very unstable crust is legitimately unknown, but remember, almost all of the Pacific rim, including California and Alaska is unstable and subject to both earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Just the quake in Yellowstone would be a National disaster on an unthinkable scale.

The other possible impending disaster comes from space. Our friend and neighbor, the Sun, gets a bit cranky on occasion, and spews an enormous amount of radiation our way. Solar flares are known to disrupt electronics on Earth. Fortunately, we are surrounded by a magnetic field that, mostly, protects us. However, mostly is not always and our shield fluctuates. If a big flare occurs at one of those moments of weakness, all, and I mean all, electronic circuits are fried and modern life shrieks to a halt. No computer, no TV or radio, no AC, not electric lights, nothing, unless you have a generator, and, guess what? No electricity means you could not zip on down to the gas station and get the fuel to run that generator. All of that is bad enough but, even worse is the damage to life. Much of the planet's life, including us, would be devastated by the intense radiation.  

The third possibility is a little more of a long shot, but why not throw it out there. Most agree that any asteroids headed our way would not make it through the atmosphere and hit land. Probably true, but we should remember that in Siberia, in the early 1900s, one made it far enough in to explode in the air. It wiped out a very large swath of forest, knocking over trees like matchsticks. On a lesser scale, a meteor exploded over Russia a few years back and the explosion blew out glass windows and scared the hell out of a lot of folks. That is not the problem. A slightly larger explosion than the one that hit Siberia would produce an electromagnetic pulse, much in the way a nuclear bomb exploded in the air would do. The effect? Again, as with the Solar flare, lights out.

Are these potential disasters looming? Is this why our attention is being directed toward Hillary and the Donald and toward the non-existent Zika virus crisis. I don't know, but I guarantee you this. Something is going on, or is about to go on, and we are being kept in the dark. But, cheer up. Maybe I am wrong and the only thing about to happen is a simple invasion by aliens from a hostile planet.

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