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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

America - More Wild Speculation, Part 2

Last time, I talked a bit about the existence of a shadow government that may possibly be plotting to take control of the US, for any of a variety of evil purposes. How, you may ask, would they actually go about that?

Glad you asked, because there are any of a number of possibilities. Of course, all of this is just wild speculation, maybe. But it is fun, so let me proceed.

Let's start with natural disasters. You may think that such things are out of man's control. Well, not exactly. When I was a youngster, back inn the dim past, cloud seeding was a hot idea. Silver iodide crystals were dropped into burgeoning clouds in hopes of making rain. That failed, but, undeterred, we began seeding hurricanes. The thinking was that maybe by intensifying them, while they were out in the deep ocean, they would burn themselves out before reaching land. They didn't. Instead, they intensified and hit land  Then came a new idea, electromagnetic pulses. Now, the government has implemented that program, first as HARP, then as DARPA, and assure us that they are just stimulating the ionosphere to improve satellite signals, but the folks who invented the technology state quite clearly that these pulses can be used to muck about with the weather, not that we would ever think of doing that. Would we? Then we have chemtrails. These are vapor trails from jets we are told. Well, again, when I was younger, living in South Florida, we saw vapor trails. They were an occasional sight, and lasted a few minutes, before fading. Now, I see many of them crisscrossing the sky and they linger for an hour or more. Do they affect the weather? Who knows? Who even knows what they are dumping? But I do know this. I am in South Georgia. The other day, the long term forecast was for sunny and warmer. I went out, saw a whole lot of chemtrails and, sure enough, the weather turned rainy then very cold. It should be in the 70s here and I am freezing. But, I am sure that I would be told that it is just a coincidence. Funny, I keep running into a lot of coincidences recently.

Then we have the specter of  terrorism and/or civil unrest. We certainly have seen evidence of both in the last year or two, and while I imagine that mostly they are the work of malcontents, I just cannot help remembering a little program from the 60s, COINTELPRO. Look it up sometime when you have a few days to spend online and you will see what our government is capable of, We are assured that such things no longer go on, but why should we believe that?

Finally, the most screwball idea of all, a laughable bit of nonsense, except for the fact that it was suggested by the esteemed Henry Kissinger. Henry K suggested that the best way to get Americans to accept strict control was by faking an Alien invasion. After all, we have the technology; a lot, if not all of the UFOs spotted are military test projects. All you have to do is land one, dress up some guys in ET costumes and report that to the media. The media, in turn, will do their job and work the Nation into a paranoid frenzy. Then, our benevolent government will spring into action, and declare a National Emergency. What happens then? Stay tuned for part 3.

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