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Friday, February 12, 2016

America _ More Wild Speculation, Part 3

So far, I have shown you the existence of a 'shadow government' and mentioned a few of the reasons they might think up to justify claiming power. One thing for sure, they intend to seize power. Groups like that do not think up elaborate plans just for the fun of it. They are not really a lot of laughs and they are mad, obsessed with power and control. So, how do they take the final step?

Easy. With the stroke of a pen. All it would take is the President's signature on a statement of National Emergency. These plans were begun during the Nixon days and are now firmly set in place, all under the umbrella of FEMA. Remember FEMA, those nice folks who totally botched the handling of the Hurricane Katrina mess. One reason they did so poorly there is that real emergencies are not what they are created for.

Perhaps some of you have seen the pictures of the emergency camps FEMA has set up here and there. The sight of those camps should chill the blood. When, not if, some emergency, real or, more likely, contrived does occur, the Federal Government will take over full control of the Nation. The following is not conjecture, not conspiracy nonsense. This is all a matter of public record, signed executive orders.  The constitution will be suspended. They will control the production and distribution of all food. Energy and mineral resources will be taken over, as will banking. You will surrender all weapons. Anyone, of proper age and in decent health will be drafted, either into the military or civilian work groups. Property will be seized and they will have the power to relocate anyone, even entire communities may be moved. They will control all highways, sea traffic and air traffic.

Anyone resisting any of these steps or voicing any opposition can be immediately detained and held indefinitely without any sort of legal recourse. Minorities will be watched very closely, as will anyone suspected of holding weapons, as will anyone who speaks or writes in opposition to the implementation of these policies. If we send troops to invade another country, anyone in opposition will be treated as a traitor. This puts those little FEMA camps in a different light, doesn't it?

I do believe that they have not done this yet only because they have not scared the American people sufficiently. After all, by nature, we are an ornery and cranky lot and they want as little opposition as possible. But, as I pointed out in the last part of this series, it would not be hard to create such a scenario. No, they have not yet sufficiently consolidated power, but, they are working on it. Watch the next elections. Clinton will try and further centralize power, carrying on the work of Obama. It may take the appointment of some new Supreme Court justices to do the trick, but with 4 of them in their 70s, that should be coming. The Donald is coming on more and more like a demagogue and is hinting at the extreme unilateral steps he wants to take. Trump, may have what it takes to really tighten the grip of the Federal Government. Do not be taken in by his supposed outsider stance. He, by definition, is the establishment, a fantastically wealth business man, an insider. I still have no idea what Bernie Sanders wants except a huge increase in taxes and a huge increase in government. Just what he means to do with that enormous government is what concerns me.

I really loathe politics and had intended to pay no further attention to these ridiculous elections. I still can think of no one running who I could support, or even drag myself to the polls for. I truly believe that who is elected just doesn't matter, They will do the bidding of their masters, the corporations who really run this Country and most of the rest of the World. However, more and more, I feel a need to keep an eye on what is happening, because that is the only way to figure how to respond.

Again, the above steps that are authorized under Executive Orders are not conjecture or conspiracy rantings. They are documented and are Federal law and it only takes a signature to begin implementing them.

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