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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

America - The Majority

I want to make something clear. I love America, both the idea of it and the majority of its citizens. I have taken to task the media, the government and the big corporations, for good reason, but the vast majority of folks are decent, good people. and the structure that made the Nation great is still in place, sort of.

The media is dominated, in fact, owned by, big, big corporations. I have little doubt that the on air news people are basically decent people, for the most part, so I do not really fault them. They, like most of us, are just trying to make a living, and, like most of us, have to play by the boss' rules. I will say that in times of emergencies, they do a pretty good job, at least until the crisis passes and they have to start spinning the information again. It is the giant corporations that are to blame for the focus most broadcasts choose. Certain events are covered, others ignored, and always, those favored by CEOs are given smooth passage.

I am also sure that many public officials are, at heart, decent people. I doubt that few of them go home and kick the dog or make their kids live on gruel. I am sure many of them would love to actually help people and, every now and then, they manage to push through a piece of legislation or two that does help. The problem is this. To get elected, and keep getting elected, costs a bunch of money and, always, there are business representatives, lobbyists, PAC funders, etc., who are just waiting with big checks, provided you do as they wish. Power, which does come with elected office, is perhaps the most insidious of drugs, and the lust to obtain and keep that power clouds the minds of even those with the best intentions. In the Lord of the Rings, even the great elves, even Gandalf, had no desire to take the ring from Frodo, lest they be tempted by all of that power. So, government grows more and more corrupt and less and less concerned with the welfare of the vast majority of its citizens.

Even amongst corporate leaders, I am confident that many, if not most, are reasonably honest men and women who simply want to put out a good product at a decent price and who try to treat their employees fairly. It is when we get into the upper reaches of business, the mega-corporations and the mega-banks that we begin to detect the truly rotten apples that spoil the business world. These are the manipulators, the men and women who are always trying to steer the world in the direction they want, no matter what the cost to others. In the board rooms of these ridiculously large institutions, the most despicable lust for power is put on display. These giants of business have polluted the environment, released a mind boggling array of pharmaceuticals, crushed smaller businesses in the drive to own the World, have manipulated economies in ways that have enslaved most of the Earth's population, and are looking for more.

The majority of American citizens are, at heart, or so I fervently hope, still as ornery and cranky as ever. Likewise, they are still the hardest working and most creative people around and also, the most fun loving. But, right now, they seem to be slumbering, sleepwalking through the beginning years of this millennium. Understandable, since, as I have previously explained, we have been bombarded with change at a furious rate over the course of the last century. But, unfortunately, we cannot yet rest. There are countless troubles on the horizon and we must face them or this great experiment, The United States, will be nothing but a fond memory. Forget troubles abroad, we must solve our problems here. Walt Kelly's wonderful old comic strip Pogo had the wonderful line, "we have met the enemy and he is us." That is the truth.

The structures that made this Nation great are still in tact and we need to reclaim their use. The elections we are seeing unfold are nothing but a farce. I urge you to vote, but not for either of the 2 parties. Vote for any 3rd party candidate you can find. They will not win, but it will send a message that you wish to participate in elections but refuse to put up with the current dog and pony show of Trump, Clinton, Bush and the rest of the confederacy of dunces ( not an original line. A Confederacy of Dunces is a wonderfully funny novel by John Kennedy Toole. I just love the phrase). If there are no 3rd Party candidates, write in Homer Simpson or SpongeBob Squarepants. Just let the ruling elite know that you are wise to their game and you have had about all you can take.

Will that work? Who knows, but right now, it seems to me to be the only palatable response; if mockery does not get their attention, then, as was done in the 60s, it might be necessary to get in the streets, to start demonstrating. I sure hope not because, trust me, that is not pleasant. In the meantime, simplify your lives, avoid debt like the plague, learn as much as you can about everything and take care of yourself, your friends and your families. Remember, you are the physical and spiritual descendent of the brave and brilliant people who created and built this Nation.


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