I listen to the Media, something I would recommend you avoid, say that the World is going to hell and all is doomed. Great Britain has left the European Union. Let there be the wringing of hand and wailing and gnashing of teeth. Let us all wear sack cloth and ashes and do penance, for this is surely the death of Western Civilization. Or so they would have you believe.
Actually, it may signal the rebirth of sanity. The idea of a united Europe is old. The Church tried this when it created the Holy Roman Empire. Historians are fond of pointing out that it was neither holy, Roman nor an empire, and it did not last. Nations began separating and squabbling and soon, territorial wars spanned the Continent. The Romans could not maintain an empire and neither could the Vatican.
As the Reformation and the Enlightenment grew, there arose a counter movement, synarchy. Old school Catholics tried to revive the Divine right of Kings rap. Royalty was, to them, superior and favored by God, since they were rich , they should rule and, being gentleman, they could agree to rule their lands separately but with a sense of unity and cooperation. Now, there are more than a few logical flaws there and, for a long time, the idea remained on the back burner. The nobility lost power and the common man gained some power. Not a lot though, since the Industrial era gave power to huge corporate entities and they began to use their economic clout, to slowly seize power from the common folks.
Finally, after a whole lot of rivalry and colonialism and just a general lust for power ran rampant, Nations found themselves in a series of Wars and Revolutions, each cunningly planned and financed by the corporate heads and the banks that served them ( or maybe it was the other way around, thing get blurry and lines are crossed frequently in this madness). This is, of course, a very short version of a very complex history, but you get the drift.
Then along came Hitler and his plan to, yes, unite Europe. It is vital to remember that many in Europe and the US loved the little guy and gave him lots of support, at least until they realized that he was completely insane. Even then, secretly, they continued doing business with the Nazis, after all, business is business. You see though, that idea of synarchy was still alive.
After the war, Europe rebuilt and claimed to be scared of the USSR and formed NATO. Slowly, the idea of unifying Europe began building and finally, voila, the EU sprung up. But, it has become clear that it will not work. There are too many cultural differences, too many economic differences and, for a ruling body in Brussels to try to dictate the behavior of all of Europe showed its obvious imbecility. Add to that the massive influx from the Middle East and the EU is doomed. (Wonder why they want to take in all those refuges? Its not humanitarianism; look at the way they are ignoring poverty in Greece and Spain. No, it's just that all those corporations love the cheap labor and the additional consumers) The EU countries, with the exception of Germany (funny, there they are again), are in dreadful financial shape and Great Britain finally had sense enough to say, 'alright, we're out of here." Good for them.
As far as the good old USA goes, it is none of our business. Let me repeat that. It is none of our business. All of those countries will still do business with us, they love our dollars and we still grow a whole lot of food that the World needs. Yet, we are told, the markets are in shock. Bull, The stocks were riding a bubble that had to break anyway. It's a good thing it happened this way and not from scandal and bank failure like it did in 2008. The real reason the Powers that Be are crying is that, like their European counterparts, they want all that cheap refuge labor here and they are afraid that since the British had nerve enough to stand up and say, 'no', that Americans might finally do the same. Also, being the Power addicts they are, they just resent being told. 'no.'
Well, too damn bad. Just like England, we need to stand up and shout, as Howard Beale said in the great movie Network, 'we're mad as hell, and we won't take it anymore.' Stop all this whiny nonsense about political issues that don't concern us and get to work and, make something of this Country again. That or just shut up and hide in you homes watching Dancing With the Stars and The Voice and admit that this once great Nation is no more. Your choice.
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