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Monday, August 22, 2016

America and the Powers That Be, Banks

It should come as no surprise that banks are enormously powerful, but I do not think people realize just how powerful, Banks control credit and American businesses, actually all businesses in the World, run on credit. That guy (or woman) running your local bank is very powerful, and the folks who are his/her bosses are even more powerful and so on, up the ladder.

The ultimate in American banking are the members of the Federal Reserve. Always remember, the Fed is not a Constitutional entity, nor is it a Government run entity. It really should not exist, but there it is and it runs our economy, doing so by controlling the creation of currency. That should, by our Constitution, be the job of the Treasury Dept. Andrew Jackson bitterly opposed the creation of a central bank, Lincoln was not too thrilled about it, and, finally, Woodrow Wilson caved in and they have been running things ever since. By controlling the creation of currency, they control interest rates and thus control the entire economy of the Nation.

The creation of great centralized banks has been unfolding for centuries, from the banking system established by the Knights Templar, to the establishment of the Bank of England, and the creation of the great, old European banks, such as the House of Rothschild. All of the great banks of America, from the Morgans to the Rockefellers (Chase Bank) and others, have been heavily tied to the banks of London and the other old banking houses of Europe. So have banks in China, such as those run by the Li family.

I am not going to go through all of the great, powerful bank because they change names and owners frequently. Just understand that they all tie back to the big powerful banks, sharing Board members and stock holders. In reality, they are one bank. They are not competing, they are simply appearing to compete. It's a shell game, no better than a low level street con. They control how the World's economy works and they control entities such as the International Monetary Fund, which has done an amazing job of keeping 3rd World Countries (I hate that term, but most people know what it means so I'll go with it) in abject poverty, with little help of escape.

These are the folks who launder drug money and illegal arms sales Look up the BCCI scandal and realize that the big players have their grubby little fingers in some very nasty pies. Their manipulations caused our last great recession, the Great Depression of the 1930s, and a plethora of wars. All of this information is available on line (again, I highly recommend the excellent blog, VYSOP. Its creator, known as Recluse has really done some amazing research), so I am not going to duplicate efforts by writing it all again. That is not my purpose.

My purpose in writing this series is not to give historical detail, but to show the interconnection of the various forces that are shaping our World. You must know who you are up against if you hope to beat them and the big banks are major players. It almost seems like they are the greatest of the groups but, not quite. In my next post, I will tell of a group once called The Fabian Socialists, and of the monopolistic corporations. From there, I will move to the main camps in American politics (not the Republicans and Democrats. The 2 party system is a total scam), then, I'll make an attempt to pull this mess together and make a few surprisingly optimistic predictions.

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