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Monday, August 1, 2016

America and its Southern Neighbors

I have always been taken aback by our lack of interest in our neighbors to the South, Mexico, Central and South America. Well, we have paid them some attention, but, quite often, it was not of a positive nature.

America has tended to treat much of that region as if it were our territory, to do with as we please. We have been all too happy to enjoy the fruits of their fine farmlands and the great oil and mineral wealth they have, but treat them like peasants, near slaves, there to do our bidding. As a result, the people who live there, who do the work, are poor, dirt poor. The authorities, the land grabbers, the strongmen who do business with us are wealthy and we tend to want to keep things that way. We have treated our neighbors badly.

We have dealt with any popular uprisings, whether they be peaceful and electoral or armed revolt, with little concern for the welfare of the oppressed. We have seen to regime change in Argentina, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Chile, Guatemala and others. We have supported brutal dictators like Peron and Pinochet, men who stole the wealth of their Nations and sent death squads to destroy any opposition. Our sanctions on Cuba and Venezuela  because we disliked their leaders, has caused incredible hardship to the average people and I cannot see where we have benefitted. It is as if we just cannot stand not to be in control, a childish, stupid attitude.

What bring this to mind is the approaching Olympics in Brazil. The Governor of the state Rio is in has said that they are broke and it is uncertain if they can provide security. There is horrific poverty in Rio. Yet, we will sit by our TVs, soaking up the pageantry and spectacle, as if everything was just fine.

It is no wonder that Brazil seems to be making friends with Russia and China.  It is no wonder that Mexico seems to have little interest in stopping the drug flow into the US. I am actually amazed that any of these Nations still want to have anything to do with us. We have exploited and abused our neighbors to the South and have ruined find Countries, with rich heritages and cultures and we have cost ourselves some fine friends. We should be ashamed of ourselves.

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